Chapter 13

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Cassia's P.O.V

I take off my mask and watch Harry's face change emotions. His eyes are wide and his jaw is dropped.

"Cassia.?" he whispers. It's so gentle it makes me scared. I start to feel the tears welling up in my eyes. I put my head in my hands and run out of the room, up the stairs, and into the guest room. Tears are already staining my gold dress as I crawl to the floor in front of the bed. I sob silently and loudly until I hear a knock on the door.


I watch her face start to puff as she puts her head in her hands and runs upstairs. I feel like I should go after her, but I couldn't move. Cassia.? Madeline's maid.? The amazing girl I spent my night with, with the beautiful voice and the stunning dress. She looked so different. I had only seen her a few times so I would never recognize her with a mask on. I just can't believe it was her. This whole time. The girl I danced with, the girl that sang my song, the girl I kissed-. The girl I kissed. I forgot, I kissed her. I liked it too. Even as a maid she's beautiful inside and out. I have to go talk to her. I regain consciousness and start toward the stairs.

"I'm gonna go talk to her. Be back soon." Everyone nods unsurely as I walk up the stairs. I hear faint crying coming from the guest room. Cassia. Well, here goes nothing. Be cool Harry. Be. Cool.

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