01: there's another side

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There's Another Side
Chapter One

Annie strolled next to her seventeen-year old, model of a brother, making sure to give glares to any girl she caught gawking. As the two siblings turned the next corner of the sky deck, Annie was ecstatic to finally feel the wind sweep against her cheeks... but she dreaded the thought of being in this new town.

Annie was always close with Kate, her recently deceased aunt. Actually, Kate and Annie never really referred to one another as niece and aunt, they were friends... best friends. Kate taught her everything there was to know about werewolves, and even helped her master the art of bow and arrow, something Annie knew Allison adored as well.

Maybe that's something they can bond over... probably not. She doubted Allison was as devoted to the whole "werewolf" thing, considering the way she found out was by her dad trying to hit her boyfriend with a car. That would put a dent in the relationship.

Up ahead, Annie could see the start of the fading grey hair belonging to her uncle, Chris. Annie squirmed on her tiptoes, trying to see over the people waiting in the large terminal, when finally she got a glimpse of his blue, sunken eyes.

Annie lightly slapped her brother on his arm, "Chris is over here, I see him."

Sam nodded, grabbing his bag and swinging it back over his shoulder. Annie did the same, she grabbed her luggage, and began to drag it behind her, feeling the familiar "click" of her broken tire on the suitcase.

As the people cleared, Annie smiled, seeing the sweet, kind man standing a few feet in front of her. She rushed over, rattled and excited to see her begotten family.

"Uncle Chris!" she yelled as he embraced her in a tight hug.

Chris Argent chuckled in his usual manner, light and dense, and turned his attention to Sam. The younger boy smiled and stuck his hand out for a hello, but the older man declined, "Come on, we're family!" Chris strained as he pulled the tall boy into a hug.

Annie smiled gently as all of their demeanors changed, all of them remembering the real reason they moved there....


* * *

Allison sat on her bed, as Scott traced soft kisses up and down her stomach, to her naval. Suddenly, Scott sat up.

"What is it?" Allison questioned to her werewolf boyfriend. She knew she shouldn't be with Scott. She knew it... but she loved him. Going against her family was the worst thing she could do, and she was doing it... for him.

Scott held his breath as he spoke, "Do the right-side breaks of your dad's SUV squeak a little bit?"

Allison sat up, "Yeah..."

Scott looked down at her, "Then we're dead."

Allison quickly pushed Scott off of her, throwing on her shirt and fixing her hair in her mirror. When she turned around, Scott was still struggling to pull his trousers on, let alone pull his shirt up and over his head.

"Oh, my god!" she whined, hearing the slam of her father and family's doors. She picked up Scott's shoes and shirt, slamming them at him, and pushing him towards the window. "Hurry! Hurry!"

* * *

Annie entered the porcelain house with a graceful manner, feeling the beading eyes of Victoria—Allison's mother—on her at all times. Annie had only met Victoria once, and never felt okay with calling her aunt. Her weird stanza would be a turnoff to most, but it was something else. It was something Annie couldn't put her finger on, but she made herself a promise to find it out.

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