39: we sorta ran out of magic fairy dust

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Dedicated to Teenwolfiiess 
Thank you for the beautiful cover posted above.

We Sorta Ran Out of Magic Fairy Dust
Chapter 39

Scott spotted Isaac and Erica in the corner of the party, and, after descending from Annie, went straight for the boy. Erica was off grinding on some topless dude while Isaac tried to stay focused on the task, but was consumed with the that fact she was here...

Why was Annie here?

"You have to do it," Scott said, handing Isaac the syringe full of Ketamine.

Isaac looked down at his hand, and then at Annie who stood staring out at the crowd next to Matt. Even over the music, Isaac could listen and hear the erratic beating of her heart. Blinking hard, he pulled his eyes away from Annie and looked at Scott, "Why is she here? I-I don't know if I can..."

"Isaac," Scott said his name firmly, showing him that there was no other choice. "You have to do it."

Isaac shook his head, "Why me?"

Scott sighed, "Because I have to make sure that Argent doesn't completely ruin the plan," Scott looked Isaac in the eyes, searching for the slightest hint of reassurance. Finally, with a nod, Isaac showed him some. "Okay, look, you better do it intravenously, which means in the vein. When you find him, you pull back on this plunger right here. In the neck probably is going to be the easiest. So you find a vein, you jam it in there, and pull back on the trigger," Scott paused. "Be careful."

Isaac twirled the instrument in his hands, playing with the fancy trigger that would shoot the toxic into Jackson, "Oh," he scoffed a laugh, "I doubt I'll even slightly hurt him."

"No," Scott placed his hand on Isaac's shoulder, taking him off-guard. "I mean you," Scott watched on as Isaac stood confused. Clearly he had never been shown the kind of care Scott was giving him from another male. "I don't want you to get hurt."

With a final nod, Scott ran out of the club. Isaac stood there baffled, but froze when he looked to find Annie and noticed she had gone missing. Quickly searching the crowd, he spotted her brunette hair, rushing towards Jackson who was walking straight through the crowd, towards the stage.

"Shit..." Isaac mumbled, his first instinct not to protect himself, but to protect Annie. Running and catching her hand, Annie gasped as she was suddenly pulled into a hard figure. "Are you trying to get yourself killed?"

Annie recognized the voice, and looked up, meeting his eyes and then rolling her own, "Are you? We all know Jackson won't hurt me, but he sure as hell might kill you, Isaac!"

Whether it was Annie's voice, Isaac's shouting, or the sound of his name... Jackson turned and set his eyes on Annie tangled with Isaac... too close for comfort. Finally, Annie looked over and noticed the death stare he was giving Isaac allowed her instinct to take over.

Provocatively walking towards him, Annie held her head high as she draped a hand on his chest, attacking his lips with her own. The one thing they have learned that can break the Kanima's veil of murder was her, and she was using that to her advantage.

Holding her hand out, she offered it to Isaac, whom she pulled closer. Soon, she was grinding on both Jackson and Isaac, trying to plan ahead for Isaac's attack. Annie kissed Jackson's jawline, remembering the best night of her life.

"I love it when you kiss me there."

Breaking herself from her thoughts, she sharply inhaled, watching as Isaac raised his arm and brought the needle centimeters away from Jackson's neck, before something inside Jackson clicked.

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