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hello my beautiful people! so, no, this is not an update (terribly sorry)... but this is the tag challenge thingy going around the wattpad community. to be honest, I'm so excited that I was tagged. this is going to be awesome!

thank you for the tag: -VoidArgents <33

RULES (in fine print)

1. You must post all rules. (which kinda sucks because I can't copy and paste but whateves I'll deal this time)

2. You must tag 15 people. (I'll probably do less, and that's okay I think. If not, suck my butt)

3. You must post 13 facts about yourself.

4. You must answer the questions given to you, and create 13 more questions.

5. You cannot say you will not do tags. (because this technically isn't a tag... It's like a Wattpad STD)

6. Tag backs are allowed.

7. You must finish in a week, or the creator has full power to remind you.

8. Be creative with the title. (I think mine was pretty snazzy)

My Facts:

Hi there! So a part of this tag is to reveal 13 unknown or wacky facts about yourself. So... these are my 13, and I hope you enjoy. Maybe comment if we have something in common.

1. My favorite color is white.

2. My biggest fear is drowning. (Matt and I can relate hella well)

3. I hate black coffee and insist on drinking the blonde roast from Starbucks :P

4. Both of my parents are highly involved in our church, especially my dad... he's the pastor.

5. As you can imagine, or maybe tell from my writing, I'm the typical pastor's daughter... The "Rebel."

6. I CANNOT cook to save my life.

7. I once tried a pot brownie, then proceeded to freak out.

8. Hot Cheetoes are life.

9. I enjoy camping.

10. I'm the smallest one in my family. Very lanky. Very annoying.

11. I'm the kind of girl your boyfriend will write love songs about once he leaves you. (damn it feels good to be a gangster)

12. That last one was a lie. I'm probably the most awkward soul on this damn planet, I cannot hurt a fly and I care too much about other's feelings. It's a daily struggle.

13. "Jumanji" creeps me tf out.

Answers to Questions:

What is your favorite TV series?

Of course, my favorite TV series is Teen Wolf. I've been a dedicated fangirl since the show aired in 2011 and had less than 30,000 views. Now the amazing scripts have been aired in over 18 countries and counting. It's amazing how far my babies have come.

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