21: depression & coconuts

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Depression and Coconuts
Chapter Twenty One

Jackson and Danny both stayed behind after the game to finish some weight lifting. Jackson was beyond pissed at Annie for ditching him tonight... it frustrated him more knowing she left with McCall!

Jackson pushed the dumbbell into the air, and groaned, setting it back onto the bar. "More," he snarled.

"Okay," Danny said, putting more weight onto the bar.

Jackson lifted the weight up, and then slowly began to lose feeling in his arms. It was too much. He strained underneath the weight and his arms slowly collapsed, but instead of feeling the weight being pressed onto him, Danny lifted it up.

"No! I said don't help me!" Jackson yelled, sitting up off the bench.

Danny shook his head. Jackson was such a pain in the ass sometimes. "Don't help you as in don't spot you, or don't help you as in let the bar crush your throat?"

Jackson ran his hands through his hair, his entire body filled with anger. He huffed, "I should be able to do twice than that."

Danny shrugged, "On the full moon... maybe. I'm hitting the shower. If I come back and you're dead underneath a pile of weight, I'm taking the Porsche!" he shouted as his voice bounced off the tile walls.

Jackson rolled his eyes and laid back down on the bench, staring up at the weight. It couldn't be too much. He had to be able to do this. He lifted it up in the air, and gasped as it slammed into his ribcage. It was suddenly ripped off, and Jackson shut his eyes, mumbling a thank you to Danny.

Except, when he opened his eyes, Danny was nowhere to be found, only a blonde bitch. "Anytime," Erica smirked down at him, then punched him in the face, admitting blackness over him.

* * *

Jackson gasped awake, feeling the cold concrete beneath him. He looked up to see Derek, Erica, and Isaac standing before him. They all looked at him as if he was a pest, a vermin, something subhuman.

"What happened to you on the night of the full moon?" Derek questioned.

"What?" Jackson stood up, "Nothing. Nothing happened," he lied. Something definitely happened, he just wasn't sure what. He'd have to wait on the video to tell him that missing piece of the puzzle.

Derek sighed, he could hear Jackson's heart racing. He rolled his eyes, "You're lying."

Derek turned and picked up a pair of gloves, beginning to pull them onto his hands. Jackson squirmed and Isaac and Erica grabbed his arms, pinning him.

"No, wait! No, wait, I can—" Jackson swallowed. "I can prove it. I taped myself."

Isaac scoffed a laugh, "You taped yourself?"

Jackson sighed, "Yes. It was the full moon. And maybe while you were curled in the corner having an existential crisis about turning into a monster, I was preparing for the so-called gift your big, bad Alpha promised me, and what did I get? Nothing. You want proof? Let me get the video."

Derek stared at Jackson for a second, then sighed. "No," he said blankly. Jackson's face dropped. "No, I have a better idea."

Derek picked up a shard of mirror that the Kanima had broken at the pool. At some point, some of the venom had dripped onto the shard, and now Derek had a large advantage.

Jackson's eyes went wide at the weapon, "What is that?"

"You know, Jackson..." Derek smiled, "You've always been kind of a snake. And everyone knows a snake can't be poisoned by its own venom."

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