35: reminiscing

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Chapter Thirty Five

Isaac sassily stared at his fingernails, biting on the ones that looked imperfect to his perfect hands. Derek made a lot of obnoxious noise as he drug in their latest full moon equipment, and quite frankly, it looked rather terrifying. Ignoring the torture devices brought in by the devil himself, Isaac sighed, "So why do we need their help?"

Derek brushed his hands together, ridding of any dirt, and said, "Because it's harder to kill than I thought and I still don't know who it is."

Isaac scoffed, "And they do?"

Each of the werewolves were there at Scott's house when the Kanima attacked. Pure simplicity pointed towards the outcome being Jackson, but they were clueless he was in the house. They still believe it's someone random. Little do they know, the answer is dangling in front of them like a bone.

"They might," Derek shrugged. "Which is why I need one of you to get on their good side."

"Mmm," Erica hummed, nodding her head. Good side, as in sleeping with one of them? Definitely her calling. She swung her feet beneath her as she sat on one of the railings, "Which one?"

Derek shrugged, "Any of them."

"You know, the full moon's coming, Derek," Isaac pointed out, letting his worry set free and feeling a sense of relief off his shoulders.

Derek sighed, gesturing to the many contraptions laying around him, "I'm aware of that."

Erica jumped from her spot and picked up a long set of chains, smiling sarcastically and nodded, "Oh my, these look comfortable."

"You said you were going to teach us to change whenever we wanted," Isaac pointed out, crossing his arms.

Derek shrugged, "There hasn't been time."

"But if you have to lock us up during the full moon, that means... that means you're alone against the Argents," Lahey contradicted.

"They haven't found us."

"Yet!" Isaac snapped, standing up and waving his hand in the air. "So how about we forget the kanima?"

"We. Can't!" Derek said loud but slowly, getting his point across and shushing his annoying Beta. He sighed, "...There was something about the way Gerard looked at it. He wasn't afraid... at all," Derek looked around the room at his pack. "I don't know what he knows or what he's planning, but I'm sure about one thing," he sighed. "We have to find it first."

* * *

The four high school students leaned on opposite sides of the library shelf, full of scattered, and un-alphabetized books. Annie looked through the hole Stiles made, void of discarded books, and Allison stood next to her, Scott on the other side next to Stiles. With the new cameras up around school, being kinda sneaky just turned into freaking G-I-Joe.

Annie pulled up the translation from the Bestiary regarding the Kanima and information, courtesy of Lydia, and handed the iPad through the hole to Scott, "It's everything Lydia can translate," she sighed. "And trust me, she was very confused."

"Yeah," Scott furrowed his eyebrows together, zooming the text in so he could see what was written, "what'd you guys tell her."

Annie scoffed, "That we were part of an online gaming community that battles mythical creatures."

Stiles leaned his head into the hole, looking at Annie, confused, "I am part of an online gaming community that battles mythical creatures..."

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