23: jealousy

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Chapter Twenty Three

Annie sat tapping her pencil, trying to focus on Coach and his multiplex theories upon the "reasons women date loser guys." Econ was based on the facts and if Coach wanted this to be the topic, it was definitely better than differencing between social and distributive welfare.

The bell finally rang, and Annie was just happy to get away from the constant stare that burned into her skull. She didn't know if Jackson was glaring at her in rage or love... probably the first one, considering he's heartless majority of the time.

As she made her way to her locker, Jackson had to sprint to catch sight of her in the hallway. Maybe he was wrong, maybe she didn't just forget to meet him Friday night; she most likely just got tired of him like everyone else.

"Annie!" he shouted at her, watching her brunette hair fly behind her shoulders as she turned to walk up the stairs.

Annie inhaled, listening as Jackson called for her in the hallway. When she finally got to the top of the stairs, a hand tugged at her wrist, and she went flying into Jackson's chest.

"Seriously!" she groaned, wriggling in his grasp.

He wasn't holding her tight enough to hurt her, but he was holding her tight enough that she couldn't run from him. Jackson just wanted to speak with her, that's all.

"Annie, what're you running from?" Jackson questioned, looking into Annie's eyes as she settled under his gaze.

Annie swallowed hard, closing her eyes, "Trouble."

"What trouble?" Jackson asked, clueless.

Annie pulled herself from Jackson's grasp, and started walking down the hallway, leaving him with a subtle, "I can't do this right now..."

Annie walked into Chemistry, seeing Lydia sitting at the front with Allison. She pulled Allison up from her seat, and whispered, "They're going to test her... they're going to test Lydia for being the Kanima."

Allison straightened under her cousin's words, and immediately sat protectively next to her best friend. Lydia looked over at Allison, noticing something was wrong, but Allison gave her a reassuring smile.

Annie ran to the back of the classroom, meeting Scott and Stiles halfway. She followed Scott's gaze to outside the school where a man in a dark, leather jacket leaned up against a black, slick Camaro.

Stiles swallowed, "Derek is not going to kill her without proof."

"Alright, so he tests her like he did with Jackson," Scott nodded, trying to play ahead of his enemy's battle plan. "But when and where?"

Annie watched as Isaac and Erica both walked into Chemistry together, eyeing Lydia before sitting at opposite ends of the classroom. Annie turned back to Scott and Stiles, "I think here and now," Annie sighed. "Jackson said he heard something about Chemistry, right?"

The bell rang and Annie looked from Lydia, to the two werewolves out for her blood. Isaac boldly came out and said he wanted all of Annie and her friends dead. How else were they supposed to react to that, other than as a threat?

Stiles went and sat directly next to Lydia, getting a "seriously?" look from Allison.

Scott turned to Annie, "I'll take Erica."

She nodded, "I've got Isaac."

Annie walked casually to the far back of the classroom, surprising Isaac by taking a seat on the lab stool next to him. Isaac leaned over and whispered in Annie's ear, "You know, I don't know why you're with that douche, Jackson, when you could be doing so much better."

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