36: ball sucking

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Ball Sucking
Chapter Thirty Six

Annie's face was millimeters away from Jackson's, their warm breaths colliding in the even warmer air. His body hovered in front of her, shaking his head as one hand left the wall and rested on her hip.

Annie sucked in a sharp breath, "I-I have to get to cla--"

Jackson shook his head, laughing and holding Annie's wiggling frame in place, "Oh, no, no, you don't.... No, you have perfect grades. You can skip one class." Annie was at a loss of words. Clearly, this wasn't Jackson speaking. "Are you okay? Your heart's beating like crazy."

Annie swallowed, her eyes looking anywhere but at Jackson, "I-I need to leave."

"I thought you wanted to talk," Jackson feigned confused, picking up a strand of Annie's hair and twirling it around his long fingers.

Annie closed her eyes, "I-I-I changed my m-mind."

"You sure?" Jackson inquired, abruptly dropping her hair. "Because you look a little stressed. Is it us? Is it that whole thing? I still can't believe you actually think our little Romeo and Juliet story is gonna last. You know I'm eventually just gonna run to Derek and join up with him and his little wolf pack. If you don't realize that, then you gotta be the stupidest bitch in this town. Well, other than me since I'm a pretty stupid bitch myself."

His words stung Annie, and she felt the tears welling up in her eyes. She didn't dare speak, so she just sniffed and looked at Jackson in distress as a single tear slipped down her cheek.

Jackson chuckled lightly, "What are you gonna do, Annie, hmm? ...When your stupid bitch of boyfriend turns on you? They kill your aunt. They almost kill Lydia. Who do you really think's gonna be next, hmm? Not you. No, no, it can't be you, because you're in love. Is that what you tell yourself, hmm? 'Jackson's different and everything's gonna work out because we're in love.' Well, if that's what you believe, then you're already dead," Jackson hissed, his claws hovering over Annie's face. "I just--I just hope your dad has been teaching you moves to protect yourself."

Annie looked up at Jackson, sighing a breathless, "He has."

She grabbed his arm, flipping him around, but stumbled over Jackson's towel he had dropped and ended up falling to the ground beneath him. He caught himself in a push up position, looking at Annie wide-eyed, as if he'd just woken from a nap.

"Annie?" he choked out, looking down at her in confusion, yet also... relief. Suddenly the door to the locker room was thrown open, and there stood a confused and worried looking Scott. Jackson shook his head, standing up and shuffling backwards away from his girlfriend, "What's going on?"

Annie looked up at Scott who was finally beginning to take in the situation. He watched as Jackson crawled away from Annie who had been pinned beneath his naked body.

Annie shook her head as Jackson quickly slipped on a pair of shorts, and watched as Scott's face turned from worried to enraged. His chest heaved with pants as his eyes were specked with gold.

"I-I'm fine. I'm fine," Annie tried to reassure Scott, sitting up on her forearms. Truthfully, she had hit the ground pretty hard, and her head hurt from the fall. The reassuring words weren't enough for Scott who began to lurk toward Jackson. "Scott, I'm fine. Scott!"

The fight broke out faster than Annie could compensate, and in a split second, Jackson was being picked up and shoved into the lockers. The entire aisle of lockers fell, with Jackson on top, but the hit barely phased him.

Annie knew that look. It was Jackson's look of complete and utter rage, "I have a restraining order!" he roared.

Scott growled, "Oh, trust me... I'm restraining myself."

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