03: first day blues

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First Day Blues
Chapter Three

Annie woke up with her hair a knotted mess, her feet aching, and bug bites covering her arms... she decided on a shower to fix her bad-morning haze. As she wrapped her towel around her body, she definitely praised her decision.

It took her a bit to get ready, just like any average sixteen year old female, but once she was ready, she made her way downstairs, not forgetting her famous green apple, and walking out the door without saying her goodbyes.

The car ride was slow, but she didn't mind. She liked the breeze on her face as she drove, she liked the way the radio hummed its tunes, and it gave her time to think. That's what she really needed... time to think.

After spending the majority of her night in the woods with Allison, her werewolf boyfriend, and a spaz, she had come to conclusion that she liked these people... but they were on the "werewolf side" of the game.

Annie hadn't understood the length of her betrayal, until now, and she could barely swallow her guilt. Her family hunts people like Scott for a living, but Annie was happy with them, with her friends... and for the moment, that's all that mattered.

As Annie pulled up to her new school, her nerves still didn't jump. Maybe it was from the constant moving or the feeling of happiness she felt when she was in this town, but she had no role to fulfill here, and she was grateful for that change.

As she locked her car up safely for the day, Annie watched as an Abercrombie model stepped out of a silver Porsche.

Her nerves were jumping now.

Jackson shut his fancy car's door, and inhaled the money-smelling air. Now that Derek has given him the bite, and he and that crazy bitch, Lydia, were broken up... he had everything he wanted... then his eyes landed on her. The tan, brunette walking towards him, and he realized he wanted and didn't have her.

Just as always, Jackson tried to use his douchiness to impress the gorgeous girl. A poor, homeless man stood a few feet away digging through a garbage can, scrounging for food. Jackson opened his wallet, and took out the single one dollar bill out all twenties, throwing it at the man. "Here's a dollar, go find another parking lot to die in," he spat.

Jackson smirked as he walked away, and after drifting a few feet, he turned around to see if the pretty girl had watched his creative master plan.

Annie had definitely seen his "creative master plan" and even made a point to roll her eyes at the stylish boy's license plate.


Well, Jackson 37, congratulations on being the douchiest douche Annie Argent has ever seen. Annie made her way over to the homeless man who was picking up the dollar Jackson had thrown at him. She quickly grabbed out her pocket book and handed the man the first twenty dollar bill she saw. "Here you go, I would have spent it on shoes or something, but I think you deserve it more," Annie smiled, handing the man the money.

Before leaving, Annie reached into her bag and grabbed her daily green apple, giving up the healthy choice for the day, and gave it to the man. The man kindly nodded to her as she walked away.

Jackson walked away too, seeing the entire scene, and realized he had went the completely opposite direction he wanted to go. He shook his head as he watched by his locker the girl of his dreams stroll past him.

Annie smiled at her new classmates as she made her way to the main office. Her smile slowly faded as she walked into the office and saw a grouchy looking woman sitting behind the counter. She slowly approached it, and rested her hands on the counter, only to get shunned for the deed.

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