44: good cop, bad cop

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Good Cop, Bad Cop
Chapter Forty Four

Annie raised up a glass of Lydia's delicious punch, as she stood on a table overlooking the whole party. Pointing to the sky, she slightly stumbled back, "And dizsez for da guy who stole my heuurt, and zen broke it when he turned into a lizurdddd!"

"Amen!" someone yelled from the crowd as they all downed their drinks to Annie's slurred dedication.

Getting tired of Scott's inability to control one of his best friends, Matt walked over to the table, ready to catch Annie if she would fall. When he arrived, she immediately sobered up, remembering the past night with the stalker.

"Hey!" she shouted, pointing. Matt's hands immediately went up, showing that he wasn't there to harm anyone. "Stay aweeey from me!"

Matt nodded, "Okay, understandable," he backed a foot away. "I just want to talk, and I promise I won't kiss you again."

At that, something caught Annie's attention. Ahead of her was Jackson, standing there with the shattered cup in his hand, clearly pissed off.

Observing Jackson for a minute more and leaving him with a dirty glare, she turned back to Matt and bit her lip.

"Fine," she held her hand out, sobering up. "Help me down."

* * *

Scott stood near the pool watching Allison from across the party. She was standing alone, awkwardly, unsure whether to look at Scott or talk to someone else. Lydia looked between her best friend and the lacrosse captain, noticing the stressed tension, and poured Scott a glass before walking over and plopping it in his hand.

"Uh, I can't drink tonight," Scott shook his head.

Lydia scoffed, "All right, what is with the two of you?"

Scott furrowed his eyebrows, "Oh, no, Stiles is drinking–"

"Not Stiles," Lydia cut him off. "You and Allison. I don't care why you have to keep your little love affair so secret, but right here and right now seems like the perfect time just-to have a good time," she reasoned.

Scott turned to Lydia, bewildered, "You know something? You're right," he tipped the glass into his mouth.

Lydia smiled, "See? Isn't it good?"

Scott swallowed, smiling, "Actually, yeah. Really good."

* * *

Annie followed Matt through the windings of Lydia's house before he found an unoccupied room decent enough for him. Holding the door open, Annie slipped past him and into the bedroom, "You get two minutes..."

Matt nodded, turning to shut the door before he saw the reaction on Annie's face, "Okay..." he awkwardly swung the door back open, turning to her. Clapping his hands together, he shook his head, "Uh, right. So I know I took some pictures of you that I should've told you about. But is it really that bad th-that I think you're beautiful... and I think you should be the subject of a perfect photograph?" he tried to cover his ass.

Annie scoffed, "Um, Matt, some of those pictures I don't even know how you took them."

"Telephoto lens. I mean, come on, Annie. Photographers call them candids," he shrugged.

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