56: i do

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Song of the Chapter: Nitesky - Robot Koch

I Do
Chapter 56

Isaac stared down at the limp body bag, laying on the concrete floor of this abandoned warehouse out in the middle of nowhere. Whoever was picking the fighting locations, really needed to be slapped.

A warehouse!? Isaac cursed. A damn abandoned warehouse...

Jackson, still inside the body bag, now laid still and paralyzed, although moments ago he was rapidly shifting around. He unzipped the bag, peering inside at the seemingly normal boy. His goo was now gone, and he just lied there, dead and unmoving.

"I think he stopped moving," Isaac informed Scott, who stood a few paces beside him.

Out of nowhere, Chris Argent pulled up in his black SUV, jumping out of his car, fully loaded from head to toe with ammunition. Scott and Isaac both pulled out their claws and fangs, guarding Jackson's body that was now moving again.

Chris stood confidently in front of the two teenagers, shooting his brother a smirk, "Where's Derek?" He was told the plan, including the fact that Derek would be here.

As if on cue, Derek came hurdling from an upper level in the warehouse, his appearance gaudy and his act proving himself. He did a perfect front roll to the group, standing on two feet as he took out his claws and fangs, growling, prepared to fight both the Argent brothers if it came down to it.

Chris smiled and put his hand casually against his weapon, "I'm here for Jackson. Not you," Chris informed him.

Derek eyed the gun in the waistband of his jeans before raising his eyebrows, "Somehow, I don't find that very comforting," he said sarcastically.

"Well–" Chris began, cut off by firepower raining around him and everyone else. Looking up, he recognized his daughter and his nephew, pouring their weapons out on their own family as if they were just collateral damage in the whole process. "Get Jackson! Get him out of here!" Chris shouted, pulling out his own weapon and returning the fire, harmlessly shooting at the areas around his family so that they'd get his point.

Derek and Scott grabbed Jackson's body bag and moved him away from the gunfire and to somewhere more secure. Isaac held the door, as all of them ran from the fight; Chris and Kyle included. When the sound of bullets cracking concrete ceased, Scott yelled at Derek, "Where are they!?"

"Who?" Derek asked, annoyed and trying to pay attention to the people trying to kill him.

"Peter and Annie!" Scott shouted.

Derek thought to himself for a moment. He remembered what he told Peter and he meant it. If he got the chance to kill Jackson, he was going to take it. No more chances to cure him, it was time to rid the world of the Kanima and make Beacon Hills safe (sort of) again. Derek took out his claws and walked towards Jackson, his claws ready to slash his throat, before Scott caught his hand.

"Whoa," Scott shook his head, pushing Derek away from Jackson's body, "hold on a second. You said you knew how to save him!" he yelled, angered by Derek's unreasonable actions.

"We're past that."

Scott shook his head, they just needed more time, they needed Annie, "What about–"

"Think about it, Scott!" Derek yelled, cutting he idiot teenager off. "Gerard controls him now. He's turned Jackson into his own personal guard dog, and he set all of this in motion so that Jackson could get even bigger and more powerful."

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