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In case you were wondering, I've been brainstorming, and there will be a sequel.

You'll probably hate me for writing it...

But there'll be one.

Things to look forward to...

• It will take place in season 3b.

• Annie will go to London with Jackson, but come back to Beacon Hills because of... reasons.

Annie's relationship with Aiden will increasingly grow.

• Death

• Smut

• More death


• Annie's relationship with her brother will deteriorate, but then rebuild itself, in its own odd way.

• Void Stiles

• Marrish

• guess what? More deaths.

• did I mention a breakup? but then make-up sex.

• death.

• scira, goddamnit.


• and of course author's notes from your's truly.

:) xoxo - itsjustannie

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