57: endings

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Song of the Chapter: Your Soul / Rhodes

Chapter 57

Annie stared down at her hands, twisted in Jackson's, perfectly molded together. It was something that would never feel as amazing between anyone else. She knew what she had to do. She knew it was the right thing to do... but it was also the most difficult thing she'd ever faced.

Jackson knew what was coming. He had suspected it from the moment he told her he would be leaving for France, to start fresh. He sighed and rubbed his thumb over her knuckles, creating that unique spark only Annie and Jackson could give to each other, "You can come with me."

Annie already had tears pouring down her cheeks, the fate of their relationship becoming too realistic not to face head on. She gently shook her head, leaning more into the boy next to her, "You know I can't..." she trailed, thinking about the remote possibility of following Jackson.

But she knew that it had to be done.

There was too much history between the two. There were too many mistakes and far too much heartache. They had to leave one another, for the greater good of their relationship. It was one of those situations: when you knew it would be hard, but you were forced to do it anyway, because you knew it was the right thing. Because you love the person so much and crave for their happiness so strongly, you would give up your life and more for their serenity.

"I know," Jackson chuckled softly, leaning in and pressing a gentle kiss to Annie's temple. She closed her eyes at his touch, cursing him for making the process more difficult. "It was worth a shot," he joked again, receiving no laughs from Annie.

She just solemnly blinked her eyes, conjuring the right words to say, "I'm sorry," she managed, looking up at Jackson.

Jackson gave her a light smile and reached up, wiping a few of the stray tears off of her face. He leaned forward and brushed the hair from Annie's face, tucking it behind one of her ears. He sighed, "You don't have to say you're sorry."

"I do," Annie nodded, more tears spilling, as she sniffed awkwardly. "I do," she repeated. "I have to for what I did and what I said. For everything. Especially for what I have to do now..."

Jackson brought the back of her hand to his lips, brushing it with kisses, "What we have to do."

What the both of them have to do. Of course they would do this together. They'd been through too much to leave it to one of them to push the hard decision.

"It's okay," Jackson assured her, squeezing her hand in his.

"No, it's not," Annie cried, leaning her head on his shoulder. "Jackson, we're breaking up," she clarified, just in case he didn't actually have it through his perfect head.

Jackson nodded, saying, "I know. And it's okay."

Annie sniffed, shaking her head, "How is that okay?"

"Because I know we're meant to be together," he smiled, closing his eyes and pressing his lips against her temple. This time neither of them moved as she absorbed his words. "And... one day we will be, again."

Shaking her head, she scoffed, "J, there's no such thing as fate."

Jackson smiled and pulled away from her, taking her face in his hands as he took in her eyes one last time, "There's no such thing as Kanimas," he reminded her, playing with the terrible situation they had just escaped from.

Annie let out the breathtaking smile Jackson had come to love so much. Pulled into his urges, Jackson leaned forward and pressed a kiss to Annie's lips. They held it as long as possible, not daring to break apart and ruin something so spectacular.

When they were both out of breath, Annie pulled away and Jackson pressed his forehead to hers, mumbling, "I love you, Annie Argent."

Annie nodded, crying again, "I love you, too, Jackson Whittemore. Always have, always will," she assured him, leaning back in for one more open mouthed kiss before closing her eyes. She felt as the bed rose with his absence, but she kept her eyes closed, not daring to open them to see him leaving.

As Jackson walked from his now ex-girlfriend's room, he saw Sam awaiting his departure at the doorway. Giving Jackson a light nod, Sam passed him and headed into his sister's room. Sam sat down on her bed and took Annie in his arms, consoling her once again because of the same boy.

Jackson looked at the love of his life, one last time, before disappearing into the night.

* * *

A day had passed, two. With every waking moment, Annie missed Jackson with her whole heart, but she knew it was for the best. For two people with that much history, nothing good could come from their relationship... could it?

Sitting at her dining room table, Annie propped her feet across her brother's lap, scrolling through her laptop feed of places to visit when starting fresh. Literally, there was a website she found called "New Place, New Me," and it was exactly what she was looking for.

She had some restrictions. It could only be a day's flight away and had to be on the other side of France. Therefore, no chance of bumping into her old past.

Clicking on one located in the Caribbean Sea, Annie smiled and turned her laptop to her brother, "I think I found one," she said enthusiastically.

Sam took a moment to read over where his baby sister had chosen for her extended leave. He wasn't just going to allow her to go somewhere, by herself, without making sure the area was safe and well known to the public. He didn't want any terrorist attacks and/or kidnappings to take place, despite his knowledge of Annie being extremely capable of handling herself.

Sam wished he could go with his sister, but he was handling everything differently. While Annie felt the need to flee Beacon Hills for a fresh start – like their father that booted again right after they had helped Jackson, disappearing with a note saying "I'm sorry" instead Sam was going to stay and help, prepared to fight alongside his uncle and cousin for their town.

Someone had to make sure the crazy place stayed relatively safe.

"The Bahamas?" Sam questioned judgmentally, raising his eyebrows as he turned the laptop back towards Annie.

She gave him a reluctant sigh, "Could you be any less boyish? Seriously, the testosterone in the air is suffocating," she teased, grabbing her throat and pretending to choke.

Sam shook his head and let out a laugh, although the humor was making fun of him, he took the teasing well. He was just happy to see his sister as her old self, or some what. She was making incredible progress from her hard breakup.

He looked at the screen before asking, again, "The Bahamas?"

Annie groaned and threw her head back, chiming, "The Bahamas!"

Sam took his lower lip between his teeth before he let out a low chuckle, "The Bahamas, it is, then."

"Really!?" Annie exclaimed, jumping from the table. Sam nodded reluctantly and she rushed at him, smothering his face is sisterly kisses as she jumped in the air with excitement. "Yes! Oh, my god, I have to tell everyone! Scott and Stiles! Oh, my god, Allison is going to freak!"

Sam smiled, "I'll book the ticket. Go make some calls to your friends."

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