19: unstoppable

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Chapter Nineteen

Derek crossed his arms over his chest, the air in the room growing a tad-bit thin. Annie had left an hour ago, the fact that Stiles was still playing stupid, and the fact that no hunters had turned up meant they're planning something... or so he thought.

Derek exhaled, reaching his limit, "What did you see at the mechanic's garage?"

"Oh, you mean when that giant thing tried to kill me?" Stiles raised his eyebrows, and Derek tilted his head, giving him the right-away to speak about it. Stiles smiled, "I don't recall."

Derek extended his claws, admiring them casually, then looking back to Stiles who vigorously shook his head, adding, "I also saw several EPA violations that I'm seriously considering reporting..."

Derek picked up a near by basketball — needing something to dig his nail into, other than Stiles's throat — and that's exactly what he did. He flattened the leather, as if, it was tearing a sheet of paper.

Stiles gulped at the carcass of the ball, and Derek dropped it to the ground, "Holy god."

Derek smirked, looking at back at Stiles, "Let's try that again..."

* * *

Annie opened the door to her house, where Allison's family — as well as her own — were preparing for their family supper. As soon as the door closed, Victoria slowly began her descent from the kitchen, carrying a plate she was going to set the table with.

"Oh, good!" she cheered, walking into the room. "You're back; dinner's almost done."

Annie's brother followed close behind his aunt, wanting the details about the intense game from his newfound grandpa. "How was the game?" Sam stutter-stepped behind Victoria as she came to an abrupt stop in the doorway of the walkway, dropping the clean plate to the ground.

Gerard smiled, looking back at the guest he brought home, "Why don't you ask the star player?"

Scott had the most awkward grin on his face while Allison shied away behind him. He croaked out a, "Hi."

* * *

Stiles itched the back of his neck, trying to remember the monster that attacked him just a few nights before, "All right, the thing was pretty slick looking—um—skin was dark, kind of patterned. Uh, I think I actually saw scales. Is that enough, because I have somebody I really need to talk to," Stiles pointed to where Lydia might still be waiting in her car. Derek's eyes widened and almost scoffed at the idea of only leaving with that pathetic description. Stiles groaned, "Hrr. All right, fine. Eyes... eyes were—um—yellowish...and slitted. Um, it has a lot of teeth. Oh... and it's got a tail, too. Are we good?" Stiles huffed, and he watched as Derek and Erica's eyes widened, looking up at something. Stiles began to wig out, "What? Wait, have you seen it? You have this look on your faces like you know exactly what I am talking about."

Stiles finally followed their transfixed gazes up to the balcony in the pool room where the lizard-man sat, stalking his next kill. He quickly backed up, along with Erica and Derek, and Derek pushed Stiles towards the door as the monster made a leap downwards, yelling, "Run!"

Stiles was about to run off, when the beast swooped between he and Derek, and left the tiniest incision on the back of Derek's neck. He watched as the lizard-monster-devil roared over to Erica, grabbing her fist as she went to hit the monster, and slamming her up against the brick wall, shattering a large mirror.

"Derek, your neck!" Stiles finally snapped himself together.

Derek's eyes widened as he went to feel his neck, but suddenly felt his legs go weak beneath him. He slowly fell backwards, but Stiles quickly grabbed him beneath the shoulders.

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