22: moonday

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Chapter Twenty Two

The school bell rang, and Annie grabbed her phone from her pocket. She instantly unlocked it and called Jackson as she walked down the hallway, and was shocked when the dial tone went dead at his voicemail. Why wasn't he picking up? Good thing she had third period with him or else he'd be dead. The wrath of Annie was not pretty.

Stiles ran up behind her, and Scott strayed behind them. Annie felt bad that she was always with Allison's boyfriend instead of Allison, but it wasn't her fault that they couldn't be seen together. Plus, it's not like she even liked Scott. She was in love with Jackson...


Did she just admit to being in love with Jackson? She couldn't be, no. But...

She was.

Annie pulled Stiles to the side by her locker, and she saw as Scott gathered around her too. She didn't like the feeling of being the center of attention.

"Alright," Stiles pulled up an odd-looking report on his phone, showing it to Annie, "I only found one thing online called a Kanima. It's a werejaguar from South America that goes after murderers."

Scott shook his head, "That thing was not a jaguar."

Stiles scoffed, "And I'm not exactly a murderer."

Annie narrowed her eyes, "Yeah, but you did see it kill somebody..."

"Which is probably why it tried to kill you," Scott added. "And why it's still trying to kill you, and why it probably won't stop until your dead."

Annie's eyes widened in shock. Did he really just go there? She swears, boys are the most irrelevant species on the planet. Squirrels have higher IQs.

Stiles looked between Annie and Scott, "You know, sometimes I really start to question this 'friendship.'"

Jackson walked down the hallway, stopping at Danny's locker. He said he'd held him with the mysterious full-moon video, but nothing has happened yet. He was an impatient guy, and he wanted this thing done ASAP.

"It took forever," Danny said, swapping books for third period, "but I found a program that can recover your video. I'll run it in my free period this afternoon."

Jackson sighed, holding the bridge of his nose, "Yeah, just let me know when it's done."

Danny began to launch into conversation about a guy he liked, but Jackson was focused on something else. Issac and Erica down the hall. They were at least 15 yards away, yet he could hear everything they were saying, and it's what they were saying that caught his attention.

Erica peered down the hallway at Annie talking to Scott and Stiles, then looked back to Isaac, "So Derek wants this done during chemistry?"

"Yeah, and if it's Lydia, I'm gonna kill that bitch, alright?" Isaac smirked, picking at his nails.

Erica sighed, "We have to test her first. I still think the Kanima is Annie, though..."

The warning bell rang, waking Jackson from his reverie, and he began walking to class. He was a little anxious, considering Annie was going to be there.

He walked in just as the bell went off, and he saw an empty seat next to Annie, and took his opportunity to take it. Scott sat in front of Annie, and Stiles in front of Jackson.

Annie watched as Jackson sat down, but continued to ignore his presence. She was beyond pissed at him. First off, he doesn't talk to her all weekend. Second, he doesn't answer his damn phone when she can clearly see it in his pocket.

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