13: impenetrable

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Chapter Thirteen

Annie closed her eyes as she walked down the hallway with Scott. Her head hurt. They had been at the rink till midnight, last night, trying to convince Lydia that there was no body beneath the ice trying to attack her.

Annie learned the facts about Peter trying to turn Lydia, but the bite never taking, and the same with Jackson. But because of Peter giving Lydia such a traumatic experience, she's still suffers with extreme PTSD. Annie felt bad for her.

Scott shook his head, "Two's not enough for Derek." For some reason, he couldn't shake the thought of another teenager being bitten by Derek, and dragged into the mess he creates.

Annie looked over at him, "So Derek has Isaac, Erica, and...?"

"I know he needs at least three," Scott sighed. "So who's next...?"

Annie shrugged her shoulders, and suddenly she was being rammed into lockers by Erica. Erica ran up and put her hands on either side of her head, pinning her there while she smirked. Scott growled at her from the side, but Annie shook him off. They were in a crowded hallway, what's the worst she's gonna do?

"So Scott," Erica turned her head to him, "why does there have to be a next when we have you?"

Annie took a risk and spit in Erica's face, causing her to get claws dug into her thigh. Annie grimaced in pain, panting through it, "Who's next?" Annie groaned.

"You know, I never knew what I looked like during a seizure until someone took a video of me once and put it online," Erica rambled in Annie's face.

Annie stood up straighter, claws still digging into her thigh, "I don't care."

Erica smirked, appreciating the confidence Annie conjured up, "It happened during class. I started seizing in my desk and everyone was saying how they should put something in my mouth until some genius reads the card on my key ring which tells him not to 'cause it could break my teeth."

Erica sunk her claws even deeper into Annie leg, making her whimper in pain, but she still didn't scream out. She just stood there, taking the pain, just like she was trained to. Erica pushed her claws completely into Annie's leg, making Annie tuck in her lips, as tears poured down her face... but she still didn't scream... making Erica furious.

She twisted them inside her leg and Scott growled, "Erica!"

Erica looked over at Scott, regaining her temper, then she looked back at Annie, "Do you know what happens next? I piss myself. And they start laughing. You know, the only good thing about seizures was that I never remembered them. Until some brilliant jerkoff had to go and put cameras in everybody's phone. Look at him, Annie." Erica shoved Annie's face to look Scott's way. "I know you want him."

Annie lifted her eyes and saw Jackson talking to Danny down the hallway. She felt relief pool through her just looking at him. What was it about him?

Erica huffed, "That's right. You only have eyes for him." Erica smirked, "That'll change."

The final bell of the day rang, and Erica pulled her claws from Annie's leg. She gasped, falling into Scott's arms, holding her leg that was bleeding terribly. Finally, Jackson spotted Annie down the hallway, and he swore that he felt pain in his heart as he looked at her. He rushed towards her, forgetting Danny.

"What the hell, McCall!" Jackson yelled, picking Annie up in his arms and looking down at the gushing wound. He practically growled at Scott, "McCall, I'm gonna—"

"Jackson..." Annie spoke out softly, "It wasn't him, so just shut up and take me home."

Jackson scoffed, "Home? You need to see a doctor, Annie. I'm taking you to the hospital."

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