29: spider's weaving

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Author's Note: Quick, awkward, random question...

do you guys want a smut scene?

Spider's Weaving
Chapter Twenty Nine

When Carrie Argent awoke to find her youngest child missing from her bedroom, her initial reaction was to panic. A bubble was building up inside her, questioning whether or not to tell Annie's father, or not. As much as she hated werewolves, she knew Annie was friends with some, also, possibly, dating one. Was this another secret to add to the list? No. She couldn't do it. She marched into her bedroom to find Kyle throwing his shirt on for the day.

"Kyle..." Carrie's voice came out shaky, and Kyle immediately looked up, worry obvious in his features. Carrie sighed, "It's Annie."

* * *

Annie sat outside the prison transport van, her head rested on Stiles's shoulder as she slowly dawned into sleep. Scott would be back any minute now with food, and then she would have to go sneak back into her house, if her parents didn't already know she was gone.

Just as her eyes drooped away, the Apple ringtone "Sencha" echoed through the air, and she pulled her head from Stiles's warm shoulder. She cleared her throat, pulling the phone from her pocket, and her eyes going wide at the caller ID.


"Oh, God, no," Annie said, looking up at Stiles who had the same expression on his face.

The oh-shit-no look.

She sighed, pressing the answer button, knowing if she didn't... there would be bigger consequences. "Hello?" her voice was steady.

"Annie!" it was her father... Greattttt. "Annie, where the hell are you? We've been so worried! Did you sneak out? Who are you with? Where are you and why? Is it--"

"Dad!" Annie screamed, getting her anxious father to shut up. "I'm fine. I stayed at Lydia's last night. She was kinda worked up... boy problems." Annie heard the phone rumbling on the other end, and muffled voices speaking in the background. "I'm not seriously on speaker... am I?"

Her father ignored the question, but looked around at everyone listening in on the conversation. Sam, Carrie, Chris, Victoria, and, of course, Gerard gathered around the counter, Gerard's phone sitting in the middle.

"Annie," Chris spoke up, "you're not lying to us, are you?"

Annie knew how they expected her to act. Immediately say no. They knew that something was off about the situation, and she sighed, "Fine... I was..." she paused, thinking of a plausible lie, "I was tracking Derek Hale."

Stiles's hands slid down his face, shaking his head at how amazing Annie was at faking it. He wished he had her talents, bro.

After a solid minute of silence, she could hear Gerard laughing on the other end, "That's my girl. Did you hear about the clubbing accident last night? It involved one of your peers."

Annie mentally sighed, relieved she actually pulled that off without question. What idiots, she scoffed. "Yeah... yeah, I heard. Seven paralyzed. The rumor is drugs. Probably hallucinogens, since witnesses say they saw a demonic monster on the dance floor."

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