55: not a hero

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Not a Hero
Chapter 55

Annie peeked her head around the hospital building, looking at the back entrance and holding her hand up for Scott and Isaac to stall behind her. Three people were walking inside, and as soon as they had entered the sliding glass doors, Annie motioned for the two teenagers to follow her.

"Come on," she waved them on, tip toeing her way across the parking lot; a bad habit when you're doing something suspicious.

She looked behind her to see Scott's back turned to her, walking backwards, his hands gripping one end of the body bag Jackson was stuffed into while Isaac supported the other. Scott had his head, Isaac had his feet.

Sneaking to Annie's car, she stalled as something in the air seemed off. Scott, frightened by their stopping, dropped his end and let Jackson's body fall hard against the concrete.

So much for getting him out safely.

Annie's mouth went wide as she watched Scott stand there, his eyes wide as he just dropped a freaking "supposed-to-be" dead body on the pavement. He quickly scanned the area around him before leaning down to pick Jackson up, pausing when he saw headlights approaching in the distance.

Annie gulped, "Oh, God..."

They all watched, blinded by the bright lights, as a black SUV stopped inches in front of Annie, who stood in front. Turning whoever's car off, Annie squinted her eyes, trying to regain her vision as someone shut their car door and walked towards them. Time to think of a good excuse.

"We, uh..." she started, narrowing her eyes until she realized who the potential stranger was. "Dad?"

Scott perked up at that, turning around to see Kyle Argent standing with his hands in his pockets. He turned his attention to Kyle's vehicle, sensing no other people with the hunter. Hunters never go on missions alone.

"You're alone," Scott stated, furrowing his eyebrows at the man.

Kyle sighed and looked back at his daughter, "More than you know."

He gave Annie a soft smile. She was so strong, staying together through her Aunt Kate, her mother, and now Jackson. He didn't understand how she could do it. He ran from his problems, but Annie stayed, she stayed and she faced them head on like a real hunter.

Like a real Argent.

She looked at the man, the man she hated, the man who left her and Sam after their mother had died. She clenched her jaw and shrugged her shoulders sarcastically, "Finally decide to make an appearance?"

Kyle looked down at his feet, he was trying to avoid an ugly encounter like this. But he knew what he did was wrong, and he was prepared to take the consequences, "I'm sorry, Annie. What else do you want me to say?" he shook his head.

Scott stepped out in front of his friend after setting Jackson easily on the ground. Guarding Annie like a shield, he crossed his arms, "What do you want?"

Kyle sighed, "We don't have much in common, Scott. But at the moment, we have a common enemy."

The Kanima. Scott shook his head, growing frustrated, "That's why I'm trying to get him out of here."

"I didn't mean Jackson," Kyle stated, looking back at Annie. She knew what he meant.

She sucked in a sharp breath, "Gerard."

"He has twisted his way into Sam's head, the same way he did with Kate. And I'm losing him. And I know you're losing him too," he nodded to Annie.

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