32: estimated time of hormones

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Author's Disclaimer: This chapter does contain SMUT! If you are under the age of 18, I ask you to stop reading at the *** symbols, and resume when I repeat the action. Thanks, and enjoy. :)

Estimated Time of Hormones
Chapter Thirty Two

Annie stared at the door handle, her mind bobbling and spinning with a million questions.. but only one morphing into focus

"What do I say?"

"Anything," Scott ushered, shrugging his shoulders. He thought Annie would be ecstatic at the idea of seeing Jackson, but right now... she's just stressed-out, to the max. He watched as she waged a war between her heart and mind, and placed his hand on her shoulder, "What's wrong?"

Annie looked up at him, her heart an inch away from shattering into a million pieces, "I don't know... so much has changed. What if he hates me for putting him in there?"

Scott stared at her, an innocent smile spreading across his crimson highlighted cheeks, "Annie, I've never seen Jackson affected by someone like you affect him. You put a spell on him... he's a different person when he's with you."

Annie smiled, but her eyes read nothing but sadness and confusion, "I'm not necessarily sure that's a good thing."

Scott shrugged his shoulders, and kept his sincere smile on his face as he backed away to Allison's car, "Just try."

Annie faced the door of the van, her fingers lacing over the cool metal of the key to unlock Jackson's handcuffs. She took a breath before placing her hand on the knob, sighing, "Just try."

She opened the door, her eyes facing down as the warm, humid air of the inside hit her body.

Jackson watched as the door swung open, and expecting it to be Stilinski or McCall again, he rolled his eyes, shouting, "Let me ou--" the sentence had almost left his mouth before he looked up at her.

Annie swallowed hard looking at Jackson who stared back at her. She inhaled, saying, "......They put cameras up at school?"

What just came out of my mouth.

What in the actual fu--

"Probably my fault," Jackson said, happy Annie finally came to see him. He had no anger towards her... just understanding.

Annie's finger ran over the cool metal in her pocket once, and in one movement, she was down on the ground, unlocking Jackson's cuffs.

"What are you doing?" he questioned. "If I really am what those morons say I am, aren't you afraid of me hurting you?"

Annie looked up, pulling the metal shackles off his wrists, "I trust you."

Jackson stared at her for a minute, inhaling sharply. This girl was everything to him, his world, his rock, his entire life depended on her. His mind spun with a swarm of thoughts, all being subsided by a single girl... Annie.

She's beautiful. God, she is so beautiful, you never get tired of looking at her. She's funny without ever being mean. You don't have to worry about her being smarter than you, because you know she is. God, I love her. I'm so lucky to love her.

"Jackson," Annie broke Jackson from his thoughts. "I'm sorry for everything," she paused, taking a breath, "it was for your own good."

Jackson's eyes softened, pushing his arms out towards her, "I know." Annie walked over, and looked down at him as he wrapped his arms around her waist, bringing her a type of comfort only he could bring.

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