12: no one knows

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No One Knows
Chapter Twelve

Annie swallowed hard when she walked into the lunch room and Jackson smiled at her from across the room. She quickly ducked her head and acted as if she didn't even see him. She couldn't quite place the disturbing thought that she had felt so strongly towards Jackson, and honestly, after what she just saw, it made her gag.

Scott waved her over from his lunch table, and despite the ugly glares Jackson was giving Scott for ushering her over, she made her way towards him. She spotted Stiles walking towards them, keys jingling in his hands. She remembered him telling her that Boyd, the big, black guy that always sits by himself at lunch... also the person who locks up the ice rink at night, offered to give them the keys for fifty bucks.

Stiles slapped them on the table in front of Scott and Annie, proud of himself, "Got 'em."

Scott nodded, "So we'll meet there around 9:00ish?"

Annie remembered how she told Jackson to pick her up for skating around 9:00. "Hey, Stiles?"

Stiles looked up from his phone, eyebrows raised.

"Can I come home with you after school, then you can just take me when you go to pick up Scott? I know Allison and Lydia are driving seperately, and I don't really see a point for me to go home and raise suspicions," Annie lied her ass off.

Stiles's breath hitched in his throat, "Um.., yeah, yeah, that's fine. I thought you were going to take somebody?"

Annie scoffed, eyeing Jackson from across the room who smirked at her. She quickly looked away and itched the back of her neck. Scott sat up in his seat, slowly making the connection. He shook his head, "You didn't actually..."

Annie's eyes went wide, and then she slammed her head down onto her hand. Stiles began to pat the top of her head.

"You freaking asked Jackson Whittemore?" Scott bursted out loud.

Annie sighed, sitting up, "I know... I know... actually, I didn't know until a minute or so ago, but now I definitely know!" she rambled.

Stiles bit his tongue as a blonde haired bitch walked into the cafeteria. He hit Scott's arm, pulling him out of his argument with Annie about how dangerous Jackson is, and pointed as the hot-bodied blonde strutted as if she owned the school.

Lydia placed her hands down on the table in fury. She was supposed to be the hot one, not this new and improved hag. "What... in the holy hell... is that?" she spit out.

Annie huffed, "That's Erica."

Stiles and Scott grabbed their bags and quickly chased after her down the hallway, Annie following close behind. They watched as Erica modeled her way out the door, and they pushed them open right after her. Annie rammed her forehead into Stiles's back as he stopped abruptly, not forgetting to turn around and snake an arm around Annie's waist to make sure she was okay, before returning his gaze to Derek's black, slick Camaro that Erica was climbing into.

Annie scoffed, shaking her head. She knew there was no way in hell that someone that looked like a sad, little third grader... no offense... an hour before, and could now look like a supermodel without a little supernatural help.

Derek had bitten her.

"Oh god..." Stiles scratched the back of his head, "We have to do something."

Scott shook his head, "I can't. I have to work tonight before ice skating."

Annie sighed, "Crap, Stiles, me too. I promised Scott's mom that I would run by the hospital to get fitted for my lab coat."

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