06: the urge

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The Urge
Chapter Six

Annie was laying in bed when a rock hit her window. She instantly had the idea that some Prince Charming would be waiting for her outside... it was a boy, but it was no Prince Charming.

Annie climbed down her gutter and landed on her feet next to Scott who pulled her closer to the house. Annie shook her head, "What's wrong? Why didn't you just call me?"

"Your parents," Scott said, "they're going to start checking your calls. If they see that you're in contact with me, I promise, it will end badly for me, for you, and for Allison."

Annie nodded, "Okay, no phone calls. No media interaction, gotcha," she said sarcastically. "Seriously, Scott, what's wrong?"

"Did anyone see you come down?" Scott asked as if the FBI was searching for him.

Annie creased her eyebrows and slowly shook her head, "No, no one, I was careful. What's wrong? Is it the full moon tomorrow night?"

"No, it's not that. I just wanted to, um, ask you some things... about your family... about your grandfather," Scott stuttered out.

Annie gulped, "I don't really know him. I mean, he's kind of just a guy that sends a check in the mail every year for my birthday."

Scott nodded, "Does he know about me? Does he know about Allison and I?"

Annie shook her head, "No, my uncle hasn't said anything. Why aren't you asking Allison all of this?"

"She's already so worried..." Scott nodded, and he and Annie were both thinking the same thing at the same time. "We need to be more careful. Oh, and by the way, Stiles found Lydia. She's not a werewolf, but... but I think there might be something else wrong with her."

Annie creased her eyebrows, "Like psychologically?"

Scott bobbled his head, "More like supernaturally."

* * *

Annie walked with Allison and Lydia into school. At first, she didn't care for this bobble-headed ginger, but then she realized Lydia was actually extremely intelligent. She just hides it, hoping her stupidity would make her look cute. Annie still wasn't too fond of her, and she was confused how someone like Allison could be best friends with someone like Lydia... but she decided to befriend her for Allison, just for Allison.

Annie leaned forward so she could see Lydia over Allison as they walked up the stairs to the main entrance. "So you really don't remember anything?" Annie questioned.

Lydia sighed, shaking her head, "They called it a fugue state, which is basically a way of saying 'We have no idea why you can't remember running around the woods naked for two days,' but personally, I don't care," Lydia smiled, trailing her hands down her waist, "I lost nine pounds."

Allison turned to Lydia just as they were about to open the doors, "Are you ready for this?"

"Please," Lydia huffed, "it's not like my aunt's a serial killer."

The comeback stung, and Annie was sure it hurt Allison too. Allison turned back to Annie and flashed her a quick, twist of a grin, and then followed Lydia inside the building. Everyone stopped to watch as Lydia stood silent, and still, frozen and caught in everyone's stares.

Annie shrugged, "Maybe it's the nine pounds."

That comment gave Lydia the boost of confidence she needed to walk through the hallway, head held high like she owned the school. Allison turned to Annie and proudly smiled, smug with her best friend's 'tude.

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