14: not so normal

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Not so Normal
Chapter Fourteen

Annie jumped into the familiar, blue, grumbling jeep that pulled up frantically outside. She slide across Stiles's lap to make her way to the backseat, making his breath hitch in his throat. Scott immediately turned to Annie, his face bright red... he was stressed out.

"Scott, I don't know if she for-sure knows, but she was talking like an insane person. I think Gerard is getting inside her head and—"

"Take a breath," Scott interrupted Annie, putting his hand on her shoulder. "It's gonna be okay," he nodded.

Annie shook her head, "I just... I can't see anymore people get hurt."

Stiles slammed his hands on the steering wheel, parking at the Preserve. He turned to face both of his friends, shaking his head, "Listen, as much as I love the whole Allison-and-Scott romance thing... we have bigger problems to deal with."

Annie shook her head, confused, "What are you talking about?"

Stiles sighed, "The empty table today at lunch?"

Scott raised his eyebrows, "Seriously, you're worried about an empty table?"

Stiles bobbled his head, "It's not about the table, it's about who usually sits at the table..." Stiles paused, "Boyd."

Annie eyed Stiles, "So?"

"So, someone that never misses a single, freaking day of school... just decides to show up missing the week Derek is changing kids into werewolves!" he flipped.

Annie's eyes went wide at she looked over at Scott... "Boyd might be apart of Derek's pack."

Scott inhaled, "Okay, I'll go to the ice rink, see if he's there. Stiles and Annie, you guys take his house... and if he's not there, you call me, you got it?"

Stiles sighed, "Maybe we should let him." Annie and Scott both gave him disgusted looks, and he huffed, "It's Boyd," he said, indicating the fact that he was a loner, "and Derek is giving them a choice, right?"

Scott shook his head, "We can't."

"I mean, you gotta admit, Erica looks pretty good. The word sensational come to mind," Stiles raised his eyebrows.

Annie scoffed, "How good do you think she'd look with a wolfsbane bullet through her head?"

Stiles slouched back, his hands up in surrender before turning to Scott, "Look, all I'm saying is that maybe this one isn't totally your responsibility."

"They all are," Scott bit his bottom lip. "And you know this thing's gonna get out of control. That makes me responsible."

"Alright," Stiles nodded, "I'm with you."

Annie picked up her phone and saw it was her dad calling. She hit Scott's shoulder, "HEY! Hey, shut up. Shut the hell up!"

She pressed the green button and smiled, "Hi, Daddy."

"Hale House in five minutes," Kyle Argent commanded through the phone to his daughter. "We might finally catch this son-of-a"

"Okay, Dad," Annie sighed, "I'll be there."

Scott looked at her wide-eyed before turning to Stiles and saying, "We need to get Annie to her car... pronto."

* * *

Jackson stepped out of his shiny Porsche, looking around the preserve, and then back to the burnt down Hale House. The majority of the outer shell was still standing, and that's probably the only reason Derek could still survive here.

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