Crossed Wires

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Destiny's P.O.V.

I sat in my room for a long time after Riley stormed out, beating myself up, wishing that I'd told him how I felt.

I kept trying to tell myself that everything would be perfect when I told him how I felt on Saturday.

It would be like none of these arguments ever happened.

I sat up quickly as my bedroom door opened, and Kenzie stepped in quickly, shutting it behind her and grinning at me.

I frowned a little, wondering why she was so happy.

"What's up with you?" I asked.

"Me and Roman are together." She stated.

I couldn't help but grin.

So he'd stuck to his end of the deal and finally told her how he feels about her.

It was nice to see her so happy, and I knew that Roman wouldn't hurt her because he was as crazy about her as she was about him.

"That's awesome!" I exclaimed, getting up and giving her a huge hug, grinning.

"I know. I feel like everything will be perfect once you tell Riley how you feel. We can go on double dates and everything!" She said, sounding excited.

I felt my stomach dip because she seemed so certain that once I told Riley how I felt, we'd be together.

I really hoped she was right.

"Yeah, it will be good." I said, my voice slightly quiet.

She frowned at me, obviously noticing the change in my tone.

"Everything's going to work out great, D. You'll tell Riley how you feel, he'll tell you he's in love with you too and you'll live happily ever after, just like me and Roman." She said, sounding like she had absolutely no doubts about this.

I frowned slightly, but then forced a smile.

"Yeah, I really hope so." I said.


One day until Saturday.

All I could think when I woke up was that I had to tell Riley how I felt tomorrow, on my birthday, and I was absolutely terrified that he'd reject me and our friendship would be ruined forever.

I quickly shoved all the negative thoughts out of my mind and disappeared into the bathroom to have a shower.

When I got out of the shower, I got dressed in a black t-shirt, grey acid wash skinny jeans and, black converse sneakers and a black hoodie.

I straightened my hair, leaving it down then swiped on some mascara, eye liner and a little strawberry chapstick before spraying on a little strawberry scented perfume.

When I was ready, I made my way downstairs and into the kitchen.

There was no one in there, except Luke, who was sitting at the counter, eating toast and reading a magazine.

I walked over and sat down beside him, frowning slightly.

"Where is everyone? Gone out without me again?" I asked, feeling a little left out.

He looked up suddenly, looking surprised to see me, which told me he hadn't heard me approach or sit down beside him.

"Roman and Kenzie went out somewhere together. Everyone else went somewhere else, apart from Riley, who said he was hanging out in his room today and writing songs." He explained.

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