You Two Make An Adorable Couple.

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When we walked into Starbucks and up to the counter, Riley turned to me with a smile.

"What do you want?" He asked.

I smiled slightly, shaking my head at him.

"It's okay. I can get my own, you know." I said.

He just shook his head, still smiling.

"I'm getting it for you. No arguments." He said, his voice telling me that there was nothing I could do to stop him paying for my drink.

I sighed.

"Fine. I'll have a hot chocolate please." I said, smiling at him sweetly.

He smiled back, then turned to the person at the counter.

"Two hot chocolates please." He said politely.

The guy behind the counter smiled at us both.

"Coming right up. You two make an adorable couple, by the way." He said, winking at us.

I blushed, feeling my stomach flutter, but Riley just smiled at the guy.

"Thanks." He said.

I frowned at him, but he wasn't looking at me.

Why did he let that guy think we're a couple?

I shrugged it off as he gave us our drinks and we found a booth that would fit all of us near the back of the room.

We sat down and Riley placed my hot chocolate in front of me, before we sat there in silence, waiting for the others.

After a couple of minutes, I couldn't take it anymore and I sighed heavily, looking up at him with narrowed eyes.

"Why didn't you tell that guy we aren't a couple?" I asked, my voice showing how confused I was.

He shrugged his shoulders, not looking at all startled by my question.

"Because it just seemed easier to let him think what he wants instead of explaining pointless things." He stated, sounding matter of fact.

I bit my lip as I looked down at my hands, because something told me that wasn't the whole reason but I didn't have the guts to call him out on it, so I just stayed quiet.

After a few minutes, the others joined us and I was engulfed by all their loud chatter.

"So, Destiny, have you got a boyfriend?" Luke asked, surprising me and making me turn to look at him.

As he looked at me with a curious expression, I felt my cheeks flush.

"No, I haven't." I said, feeling kind of like a deer caught in headlights.

Ruby looked surprised, her brown eyes widening and making her look like a little girl.

"Seriously? I thought you'd have them queuing round the block because your absolutely stunning." She said, making me blush slightly as I smiled at her.

"Just haven't found the right guy yet, I guess, but thanks." I said.

I turned my head and caught Riley staring at me with a slightly somber expression, but when I frowned at him, he looked away, not meeting my eyes.

What was up with him?

I saw Roman looking at Riley with a concerned expression on his face and I tried to catch his eyes, but he wouldn't look at me either, which I thought was really weird.

After an hour of sitting and chatting, we all decided that we were going to go back to the house and go in the pool instead of going to get ice cream like we'd originally planned.

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