Secret Serenade.

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I grabbed my guitar from my room and went into the room next to the game room, which I had decided I would call the band room.

I was going to wait in here and warm up on my guitar while I waited for the others to arrive.

I jumped slightly when my phone rang.

"Hello?" I answered without looking at my caller ID.

"Hey, D. What you up to?" Kenzie replied, sounding cheerful.

I smiled.

"Hey, guess what?" I said, all excited.

"What?" She asked, sounding curious.

I grinned.

"Secret Serenade are reforming." I stated.

That's the name of our band, by the way.

She squealed happily.

"When are you rehearsing? Can I come?" She asked hurriedly, sounding more than a little excited.

I grinned, shaking my head slightly.

"The guys are on their way to my house right now. And yes, you can come." I said, answering both of her questions.

She squealed once again, almost deafening me.

I sighed.

"But you have to stop with the squealing." I said sternly.

"I will, promise. I'll be there in 10." She stated, then hung up.

I shook my head with a smile as I began to tune my guitar.

When it was all tuned and ready to play, I strummed a few cords, closing my eyes as I got lost in the melody.

I jumped a little as I stopped and someone started clapping softly.

I opened my eyes quickly and was a little shocked to see Riley leaning against the doorframe, a small smile on his face.

"Your still good." He stated, still smiling.

For a split second, it was like he'd never changed.

Like he was still my best friend.

I smiled, but only slightly.

"Thanks." I mumbled.

"So, your bands getting back together?" He asked, his eyes trailing over my outfit quickly before he looked back up at my face.

"Yeah." I stated.

He smiled, shaking his head slightly.

"Secret Serenade. Remember when I used to hang out with you at rehearsal and I used to distract you?" He asked.

I blinked in surprise.

He remembered that?

A smile spread across my face as I remembered too.

Riley was sitting across the room, watching me as I strummed my guitar, humming along to the tune.

Then I looked up, and burst out laughing when I saw his face.

He looked cross eyed and his tongue was sticking out.

I laughed and he grinned, also laughing slightly.

"Come on, Destiny! You need to focus! Riley, stop distracting her!" Carmen said, sounding only slightly annoyed, but more amused.

Riley shook his head, smiling.

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