Why were you in Destiny's bed?

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I opened my eyes and looked around, feeling disoriented and not quite realizing where I was.

I blinked in confusion when I saw that I was in my bedroom.

The last thing I remembered was sitting on my balcony with Riley and looking at the stars.

How did I get back into my bedroom?

I tried to roll over, but found that I couldn't.

That's when I realized that someone was next to me and they had their arm wrapped around my waist.

I glanced sideways and almost hyperventilated when I saw Riley lying next to me, fast asleep.

I couldn't help but think that he looked so cute when he was asleep.

I tried to take deep breaths, wracking my brain to find a way to get out of this situation.

If he woke up and we were lying together like this, it might reveal that I have feelings for him, which I didn't want him to know.

I really had to get out of this before he woke up.

I carefully tried to unwrap his arm from my waist, but immediately froze when he stirred, pulling me closer to him until I was pressed against his side.

I really wished I could stay there, but I needed to get out of this right now.

With another deep breath, I slowly uncurled his fingers, one finger at a time.

When I'd done all of them, I slowly and carefully lifted his arm, then in one swift move, I slipped out from underneath it, rolling off the bed in the process, my feet hitting the floor with a little thud.

Riley stirred slightly, grabbing the pillow I'd been sleeping on and pulling it closer to him, wrapping his arms around it.

I stifled a giggle, quickly covering my mouth and tiptoeing out of the room as quickly and quietly as I could.

When I made my way downstairs, Roman was sitting at the counter, eating a slice of toast and drinking a can of coke.

"Morning." I mumbled as I walked over to the fridge and grabbed a can of coke, opening it and taking a big gulp.

Roman looked at me with raised eyebrows.

"Morning. You sleep okay?" He asked.

I flashed him a smile.

"I slept fine." I stated.

He smiled back at me.

"Have you seen Riley? He was in my room when I went to sleep but when I woke up, he was gone." He stated.

I sighed, wondering if I should tell him.

I decided in the end that I should.

"He's asleep in my bed." I stated.

His eyes widened and his eyebrows shot up.

"Your bed?" He exclaimed, sounding surprised.

I rolled my eyes.

"Totally not what I meant. He woke me up last night because he couldn't sleep. I don't know how he ended up in my bed. The last thing I remember is sitting on my balcony with him." I stated, taking another sip of my coke as I sat down across from him at the counter.

He looked slightly calmer than he had been a minute ago.

"You probably fell asleep and he probably carried you into your room." He stated, taking a bite of his toast.

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