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"Get dressed up! We're going clubbing!" Kenzie announced later that afternoon, almost making me fall off of my bed in surprise when she waltzed into the room.

I glared at her, but she just smirked, like she found me amusing.

"Clubbing? Again?" I asked. We'd been clubbing a couple of times this week already. I wasn't sure I felt like going clubbing again, especially if I'd have to watch Riley dance with other girls. I didn't feel like putting myself through that torture on my birthday.

"You will have a good time, trust me. Now hurry up and meet me downstairs when you're done!" She said, then before I could make any excuses, she waltzed out of the room, laughing as she went.

I tried to quickly decide what to wear because Kenzie had told me to hurry.

As I was sifting through my clothes, something suddenly caught my eye. When I pulled it out to look at it, I saw that it was the dress I'd bought a couple of days after I came back to California. The black lace dress with one shoulder that Kenzie had convinced me to get to show Riley what he was missing. I couldn't hide my smile as I decided that it was the perfect thing to wear when I told him how I feel about him. I quickly got changed then I straightened my hair and left it down because I knew that Riley liked my hair down. I put on minimal make up before slipping on some black heels. I quickly checked myself over in the mirror then took a deep breath to brace myself because tonight was going to change everything. Tonight would either be the best night of my life or the worst. As I prepared myself for what was about to come, I started to make my way downstairs, hoping that it would be the former.


When I reached the bottom of the stairs and stepped into the foyer that connected the kitchen and the living room, I frowned because all of the lights were off and I could barely see. I vaguely wondered if my friends had gone without me, but then immediately dismissed the thought because they wouldn't just go out and leave me here on my birthday without telling me. I took a few steps forward, wondering what the hell was going on.

I jumped in surprise when the lights suddenly came on, practically blinding me and completely disorienting me at the same time. It took me a few seconds to get my bearings then I had to blink a few times to get my eyes to adjust to the sudden light. When my vision was finally clear, I looked around.


I was practically deafened by all of my friends shouting, but when I took in what they'd said, I studied the scene anew.

There were a variety of different colored balloons strewn up around the room. There was a banner that read 'Happy birthday, Destiny' hanging on one wall. There was a table filled with cups and bottles of various drinks and there was also a long table at the other side of the room filled with plates of different types of food, but I noticed they were all of my favourite foods.

Whoever had organised this had gone to a lot of trouble for me.

My gaze landed on my friends standing in the middle of the room, all grinning at me and I immediately grinned back, my surprise probably showing on my face. How the hell had they organised this and managed to keep it a secret from me?

As I looked around the room once again, I vaguely noticed that there was music playing. Smoke by PVRIS was playing quietly in the background. It was one of my favourite songs so I knew they'd really gone all out for me and the thought made my heart swell with gratitude and happiness. It was unbelievable how much my friends must love me for them to do this for me.

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