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⚠️WARNING: The story will contain graphic scenes violence, blood and torture, as well as mentions of death. If affected, please read this story with caution.⚠️



This story begins once again as it did prior...

Bruises. Blood. Pain. Agony. Fear. Violence.

I guess its always just an endless cycle for me, isn't it?

However, this is far from getting beaten, burned or chased by an abusive boyfriend on a rampage, or anything like it.

This is far more aggressive.... More depraved...... More painful.....

"AAAAAAHHHHHH!!!!" I screamed in pain he stuck me with the electric rod to the side of my stomach. "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHH!!!!!"

Its been so long..... Its been weeks, I think, but it feels like its been years.....

So long since they killed him.... The love of my life..... My mate.... Since they ripped me away from his side.... Since they bought me here....

When I felt the stake go through his heart, I felt everything inside of me die and rot along with him....

They never found Emerson and Sebastian, or any of them. As far as I know, they managed to escape because of me and Remington sacrificing ourselves...... 

However, with Alexander's evident death because of me, the torture just got worse and worse... The night he perished, Lilath made sure they gave me enough hell to remember for lifetimes......

There was a sighting of Sebastian on horseback fleeing the town a few days after Remington's death, but it came to a dead end.

It didn't take long for Obsidian to fall into chaos. The surviving hostages weren't recaptured, but rumor has it they, along with anyone else left in the town, escaped into Wismont Island, and Lord Dominick had the bridge that lead to the island bombed and destroyed, and he closed off all its borders completely in order to protect the people living there.

Obsidian became a ghost town.

Meanwhile, we were somewhere else, a new hideout. I don't know where, or what it even is.... They took me, and tried to get me to talk, but I refused....

They took Remington.... I won't let them take Sebastian or Emerson...... Or anyone else...... No matter what they do to me, I won't give them anything.....

I struggled to breathe as the chains on the ceiling held me up.

How I'm even still breathing is beyond me..... They've done so much to my body its a miracle it hasn't given out......

Burned. Stabbed. Cut. Shocked. Broken.

I panted as I hung limply from the ceiling.

My arms are completely numb from hanging from the ceiling like this. Sometimes they let me down, but not for very long....

How long have I even been here exactly??



... Have months passed?

It feels that way...

"You can't go on forever..... Now tell us where they are....." the guard ordered to torturing me said sternly.

I groaned in pain as I looked up at him. "N-Never...." I spat out tasting my blood.

"Your little vampire toy is dead, its only a matter of time before his brothers are, too," He scoffed. "How much longer are you going to be stupid and fight this, girlie??"

Redeemer {Sequel to "Tonight Is The Night I Die"}Where stories live. Discover now