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⚠️Warning: Mentions of blood, gore, and scenes depicting/mentioning of war, murder, and violence. If affected, please read with caution.⚠️



I growled as I sped through soldiers taking out Rebels as I go, whether with my claes or biting down and ripping their throats out.

This is it.... The feeling I missed for so long......

I sped through more attacking opponents before meeting with Sebastian as he used his blood whips on more of them.

"Good to have you back, little brother," Sebastian said with a smile as we stood back-to-back, facing some of the Rebels that surrounded us.

"Good to be back, Big Brother," I smirked, growing my claws out more. "What do you say? A toss for old time sake?"

"I thought you'd never ask," he smirked as he then swung a blood whip to a nearby lamp post.

I sped right to it before letting it slingshot me right towards a few Rebels as I sliced their throats open with my claws, then skidding to a stop nearby.

I smirked as I saw red and ran forward as more appeared.

I then saw as Lynette and Chris ran back in, Lynette with her biw and arrow ready as she shot some of the cannons.

More bombs fell as we fought and I hurried towards her and Chris.

"We might win this. Some are surrendering, the Blackwell Guards are arresting them now," she said, then shot at an oncoming Rebel that tried to get us with a mace, turning her to dust.

"Its still a lot of Rebels," Chris said. "I didn't realize how many were traitors."

"Some aren't even of the Void, I'm afraid," I scoffed, then swung and shot my chest through one Rebel as he tried attacking from behind, and ripping his heart out before throwing him aside.

"We need reinforcements, we don't know about the other areas.... Where are the other groups, like Alan and his team??" Lynette asked us.



Fighting blind is difficult, but the soldiers had no choice, or risk the same ill-fated defeat as their corporal, and many others surrounding them.

Everyone had to completely rely on all their senses minus sight, and that's not easy, especially with a Gorgon.

Genevieve kept her eyes shut as she tried shooting magic at her, everyone else trying to swing their swords, claws, or shooting their pistols.

Ronnie growled and swung his claws, keeping his eyes shut as he attacked, when suddenly he felt a sharp sting on his arm, yelping in pain.

Almost instantly, the nerves and muscles in his body started to steffen and freeze, and before he knew it, he was on the ground, face down, unable to move at all.

Frankie managed to hear Madame Czar nearby her and went to strike, but the Gorgon dodged her attack, and then one of her serpents swung around and bit down on Frankie's neck, making her cry out in pain.

Frankie fought the urge to open her eyes as her body became paralyzed and she fell to the ground, trying to move.

"Here I thought the daughter of a decorated captain that cheated Death many times over would be a bigger challenge for me...!!" Madame Czar mocked her.

Frankie grunted in anger, trying to move while keeping her eyes closed as Madame Czar watched the two paralyzed fighters on the ground and cackled evilly.

Redeemer {Sequel to "Tonight Is The Night I Die"}Where stories live. Discover now