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I looked around in confusion at everything.

What am I doing back here?

Wait.... How am I even here?

Wasn't.... Wasn't I just in Obsidian? In my mother's office vault with Sebastian?

I observed my surroundings before suddenly...

"Hello, Dream...." A voice spoke and I turned to see a strange man in black, pale skin and silver eyes.

"W-Who are you?" I asked.

"I am known by many names.... However, from what I understand, the people of the realm you grew up in call me by my tools..." he said. "The King of Dreams being one of them.mmm"

I furrowed my brows before I looked at him in surprise.

"You... You're the Sandman?" I asked.

He smiled softly, nodding.

"You're a smart you woman... Just like Eloise was," he said.

"You knew my mother?" I asked curiously.

"As well as your father.... We were friends...." he said. "I am very close to all in the Void Realm, as my role there is important."

I took a deep breath. "I'll admit, you're not at all what I expected...." I said.

"I am aware of the ridiculous depictions that humans in the Earth realm have of me," he scoffed softly with an eyeroll.

"Yeah, life on Earth is a mess, honestly," I sighed with an eye roll.

He chuckled softly. "Your father said to me the same thing once..." he said. "You're a lot like him, you know... As well as your mother... You look so much like Eloise, rest her soul. Your eyes, however.... You have Bartholomew's eyes..."

I smiled softly.

"Of course, your mother was less stern and critical than he was, I admit..." he said.

I scoffed. "I'm guessing my dad wasn't exactly the cuddly type most days..."

"We had our moments, I admit.... A very stubborn man.... His heart is in the right place, however..." he said with a small smile.

I sighed as I looked down. "Yet he had my boyfriend locked in an asylum?" I asked him.

"That's something I can't explain, really.... However, I assure you, your mother and father are not monsters, despite how things looked in those files...." he explained. "I can assure you, your family was only trying to help your mate..."

"With magical sand and hydrotherapy?" I asked, confused.

"Usually, no humans should have possession of my tools, such as my sand or dreamstone.... However, your mother was very persuasive, and I gave her some....."

"What did Re- Aldous have that would require Dream Sand?" he asked.

"Your mother didn't specify, Dream..... However, I did always sense something was wrong with Remington's mind, especially when he dreamed.... Something beyond my comprehension," he said. "It all seemed to stop mostly when he became a vampire, however.... They seemed to be starting now that he's half mortal...."

My eyes widen as I realized he knew Remington's real name.

I then frowned and looked at him worriedly. "Can you at least tell me if he's going to be okay?" I asked.

Redeemer {Sequel to "Tonight Is The Night I Die"}Where stories live. Discover now