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I stood in the middle of the shooting yard, facing the different bullseye targets a couple of yards away. Some already riddled with arrows.

I gripped my bow in my hand as I looked at them.

"Ready and load!" Alister ordered from nearby, Shy and Leo on either side of him as they watched with the other archers of the Warhol Stars.

I took my arrow from my quiver and loaded my bow, keeping the posture that Shy had taught me before.

"Aim!" he shouted.

I raised my bow and kept steady as I focused on my target.

"Fire!!" he shouted.

I shot my arrow, and it got the bullseye dead center.

I armed again and shot the second one, succeeding again, and then the same with the others.

Once I got to the last one, which still had Leo's arrow pierced from his demonstration before, I shot, and immediately my arrow pierced right through his own arrow, splitting it in half.

I let out a deep breath and smiled before turning to my uncle, who nodded proudly at me.

"Excellent, my dear," he said as he walked over. "A prodigy, just like your mother."

"Shy also taught me everything I know," I assured.

"Then my compliments to her ladyship on being an excellent instructor," he said, bowing in respect to Shy.

Shy smiled and bowed her head.

"Its an honor to have her as my pupil," Shy said, making my smile.

Alister smiled and then faced the other archers while I adjusted my jacket a bit.

Alister smiled and then faced the other archers while I adjusted my jacket a bit

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(Picture: Example of Lynette's current outfit)

Alister considered I could use something a little less constricted than a gown, especially when there's no specific or special occasion to wear one.

Honestly, anything to get me out of those corsets, at least for a while before Emerson gets a say on ny wardrobe again.....

Of course the cape seems much... At least its lightweight, though, so I can't really complain much...

This one was from one of the Warhol vaults in the basement that no one's opened until now, and it belonged to my mother, who wore it whenever she went on assignment.

Ever since I met my uncles the day before, its mostly just been trying to get used to everything that's been put on me regarding a whole new life and perspective, while also training to face Lilith and the rebellion.

I'm back on archery, and also working on my sword fighting, which Emerson is training me on.

He's a very picky teacher, unfortunately... Ugh...

Redeemer {Sequel to "Tonight Is The Night I Die"}Where stories live. Discover now