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⚠️Warning: Mentions of self harm, depression, possible hallucinations, and effects of grief. If affected, please read with caution.⚠️





My eyes opened to see I was back in that firey hallway, hearing the screams in the background.

I screamed as the fire burned bigger this time and I jumped back.

"Find them..."

That's when images flashed again.

Something glass breaking. The three little bed I saw before. Emerson falling off..... O-Oh my god.... A strange little rattle....? And.... I've never seen that church before....

I looked around and then turned, expecting the hooded figure, but saw....

"Elvira...?" I asked in shock.

"You have to know everything...." she said urgently. "You have to find them..."

More images.

A burning rose. My necklace. Remington with blood in his mouth. A woman I've never seen before drive a stake through her heart.....

"Know what? Find who!?" I asked, confused. "Please, tell me....!"

I then heard screaming and turned before the fire got stronger and blinded me, making it all go black.

[end of nightmare]

I gasped with a cry as I woke up, sitting up and breathing heavy, drenched in cold sweat, but my skin feeling hot this time.

My neck felt stiff and that's when I realized I wasn't in bed...

I was on the bathroom floor, and was confused until I looked down, seeing the blade in my hand, and..... Oh....

I frowned as I stared at the new cuts on my arms, air stinging them and my skin caked in dried blood.

I sighed, closing my eyes and remembering what happened...

After that day when I talked to Sebastian.... I relapsed and self harmed again.... Doing it in my bathroom so no one would smell it...

Once it was set in stone for me that Remington is gone and I was never going to see him again, I felt something inside me just snap....

That's also when my urges came back...

After waking up last night from Emerson's sleeping spell, I started cutting again, until I lost consciousness...

I held back tears as I was about to bury my face into my hands but gasped.

M-My hands.... T-They're blistered and red...!!

I moved my hands a little and whimpered a bit in pain.

I closed my eyes, holding my head as I laid back against the bathroom wall.

I need some air....

I slowly forced myself to stand stumbling a little as I held on to the counter.

I sighed as I turned the water on and cleaned my arms, hissing at the water falling over my cuts and the burns.

Redeemer {Sequel to "Tonight Is The Night I Die"}Where stories live. Discover now