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I ran out of the manor and into the garden and nearly tripped, but held on to a nearby column of the entrance.

"They just didn't have a choice.....
They had to protect their
little princess-"

I sobbed uncontrollably, trying to overcome the shock as the voices told before by the Visigoth's flooded my head.

"Well, you were right my love....
The resemblance is quite
uncanny...... They always
did say she looked alot like me..."

"... Even if you're the rightful heir!"

"No... No no no no no no...." I sobbed as I tried to calm down. "It's not true, it's not true it's not true.... It can't be true... No no no no....."

"You have no idea what I know about you, Lynette.... If that's even what your name should be....."

"Its a shame.... You look like her, yet..... That same look you have for me right now... Those same eyes.....
You got from that bastard father
of yours....."

He... He didn't mean Lilith.... H-He meant Eloise....

My mother.... She... She wanted me... As did my father....

"Come now, Alice... You're a
smart girl... You've made it this
far in Wonderland, haven't you?
What do the clues you've gained
along your way here tell you?"

The bassinet in my dreams. The missing child. The woman giving birth. My birthmark. The Visigoth taunts....

Only they weren't taunts....

"What a shame that my own granddaughter becomes a
vampire's little whore...."

I cried out uncontrollably, already l feeling pain in my stomach, as Alexander's words echoed in my head, now with sense.

I.... I did have a family....

My mother.... My father.... I even have uncles.....

No... Its broken... Destroyed before it ever even began...

My family... My life... All a lie since the very beginning....

"If Elizabeth....... gave birth
and the child disappeared
during the fires...

".....Add to that you also
having the Visigoth mark,
there's a possiblity that you
could be that child....."

N-No... My god....

My mother, she... She's dead...

My father, he's missing.... What if he's dead, too...??

Me..... W-Where does leave me?

"I never said you
were Alister's child..."

I felt myself breathing hard and before I knew it, I felt bile coming up my throat and threw up over the railing.

I coughed as I tried to breath, feeling tears pouring out of my eyes, everything in me shaking and hurting.

"I'm so sorry...."

I coughed out a sob as I hear the voice in my head speak, and then suddenly heard footsteps and managed to look to see Remington run over to me

Redeemer {Sequel to "Tonight Is The Night I Die"}Where stories live. Discover now