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It was the 9th of September and I, George Davison was a lower class man at L'manburg. Basically a peasant.

But I was happy to live this live, I was happy to be a peasant. Only reason why is because king Clay was in charge of this whole city.

And he was a great leader. He wasn't one of those old ancient Roman leaders he was a nice friendly leader.

He gave food out to the poor every week so they'd have something to eat, gave out more jobs to people can work at.

And overall, he was a nice guy, except for killing his father to become king but that's not the point, the point is is that the king was a nice king.

Now of course lower class men like me had to work to get money not like those rich people that have everything done for them but they still somehow get pain.

I was a FS, meany I was "for sale" I seduce rich men to get money, sometimes even do the dirty with them.

But I was mostly a maid for rich people, just recently I got this new joe as a maid somewhere, no one tells me anything so I have no idea we're I will be working.

I was walking around the streets looking for some food, "good morning Mr, nick!" I yelled out to the man that was running a good stand.

I walked up to him and looked at the apples and oranges. "Well hello there George, what have you come for now?" He asked with a bright smile.

"Oh well I really have just came here for some apples if you don't mind"

He picked up 4 red apples and put them in a bag and handed it to me. "It's on the house"

I smiled skipping away.

I got back to my old Raggedy home, like I said before I was a lower class men so I didn't have much, I just had a table, kitchen, blankets, and cloths, and a few pair of clothes that I had stole from the rich.

I took out the apples and placed them on the hard wooden table. I kept one in my hand to eat.

I ate and ate then when I finally got finished with the apple I threw it out the window and quickly got dressed for my new job.

Now since I was a maid I had to pack up everything and stay at the house that I was going to.

I grabbed a big blanket and i stuff the apples and clothes onto it and grabbed the corners and lifted them up to the middle.

I then twisted it around and held it over my shoulder and walked out of the house.

I then walked over to the guards and took a deep breath.

"George Davison.. I have a job for a maid and I was told to come here to get excorded to were I needed to go sir" I said looking down at the ground.

No one was aloud to look at them in the eyes.

He grabbed my shoulder and started to pull and drag me threw the streets.

A lot of people weren't so nice..

He then threw me onto the dirty ground.

"Sorry sir" I quickly got up to my feet and brushed off the dust.

I turned around that revealed a huge castle.

But not any castle...

The kings castle.

The kings maid Where stories live. Discover now