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I looked at the tall handsome man that was kissing me.. I slowly closed my eyes and cupped his face kissing his lips back. I parted from his lips and looked into his eyes. I then quickly pulled him close and kissed him once more.

"Don't be having sex right in front of me" Sapnap chuckled looking at the both of us. I pulled if and smiled. Dream kisses the top of my forehead. "I'm so sorry.." he whispered. I kissed him then pulled if quickly. "It's okay"

Dream smiled and looked down at the snarky necklace. "Whats that" he asked. "My necklace. Karl gave it to me as a present.." I looked at it and smiled.

"Take it off" he Demanded. "Take your fake butt pads out" Sapnap laughed while Dream huffed. He turned around walking back upstairs.

I slapped his ass and he quickly stopped and turned around. "The butt pads are really padded, there like Ellys bras kinda" I chuckled. He quickly ran up the stairs and shutted the door.

Sapnap smiled and walked up the stairs opening the door and closing it behind him. I flopped down on the silk sheeted bed and looked up at the ceiling. I sighed if relief and rolled over to face the wall.

I then saw something blue and red. I never had owned anything other then red, white, and black, I got up and picked up the blue cloth clothing.

I spread it out just to revel some blue underwear. "Ew what the fuck.." I dropped them and looked around. I looked at the wall that had white sticky substance on it. I gagged and covered my mouth.

I then saw an unlocked phone on the ground. I picked it up just to see it was on a paused video. I clicked on the video to unpause just for it to play Sapnap and quackity fucking the life out of Karl.

"SAPNAP! WHAT THE FUCK IS THIS!" I yelled knowing Sapnap was still in the castle somewhere. "WHY THE FUCK DID YOU TAKE A VIDEO!" I screamed.

I dropped the phone and gagged more. "Never again.. never.. fucking... again.." I gagged.

everything then went dark

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