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"Dream! Please!" I begged tugging on his waist band to his blue boxers. "No George!" He yelled back looking down at me. "I NEED YOUR COCK IN ME" I screamed tugging on the waist bands more. "NO! You are getting crowned today and I can bit fuck you before and you not be able to walk!" He yelled pulling my hands off and grabbing a pair of slacks.

I pouted and fell down to the floor. It was like I was a little baby wanting his binky, well I was that little baby wanted daddy's cock. "PLEASE!" I yelled out looking up at him. He pulled the cream slacks over his legs and buckled it around his waist. "No" he said with a smile.

He grabbed a white button up shirt and slipped his arms threw the sleeves and buttoned it up in front of him. He then grabbed a black tuxedo and looked at it, he tossed the pants and shirt onto the bed and held onto the jacket.

He slipped his arms in the sleevs and button one button in front of him. He looked into his own eyes in the mirror while I screamed and pouted. He took a deep breath and picked up the he golden crown with jewels in it and placed it ontop of his own head.

He smiled but then quickly stopped. "I'll fuck you after" he huffed. "But.. fine" I huffed, at least I was still being fucked today. He knelt down in front of me and gave me a peck on the lips. I giggled slight king and grabbed the back of his hair and pulled him down and kissed him.

He chuckled and looked at me. I smiled with my pearly whites. He sat up and caught a glimpse of himself in the mirror. He looked at the crown. "Alright, get up, we are gonna be late" he sat up standing back up on his feet.

I got up with him and skipped over to the closet we're I pulled out a pink skirt, a white cropped t-shirt with some white Air Force ones, I quickly got undressed and put on the pink skirt and then the white t-shirt.

I skipped i and twirled around in front of Dream. "How do I look!" I smiled looking at him. He looked at me up and down. "Beautiful.." he smiled. I slipped on the Air Force ones and walked over to him. I held his hand and looked up at him.

"Let's go!" I said happily

We then walked out of the room with our hand linked together. I was so ready to be crowned Queen.. or king.. or whatever it's called..

And I had the perfect plan

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