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He then twirled me around once more and slapped my ass. "Excuse me!?" I yelled. "Forgot you were a male" he said looking at my body.

"You don't do that to any person ever! Not even women or males!" He looked at me. "Bold for a whore" he scoffed pulled me out of the castle.

People were dancing and singing outside. "Are we like in a fucking movie or something" I looked around at them. He smiled and stood still.

"Again I'm gonna ask again, is this an everyday thing" I asked looking up at the king.

He didn't answer he just stood there waiting for the carriage. "This is an everything thing isn't it" I said looking back at the people dancing.

He chuckled. "It is.." I grunted. "Listen I don't feel like being in some sort of fantastic world or some shit" I said looking  up at him.

The yellow and white carriage then came that was pulled by 2 brown horses. "Great we're getting in a fucking.. pumpkin like Cinderella" I said stepping into the carriage and sitting down.

I then heard dream chuckled as he got in aswell and closed the door. I smiled slightly knowing I could make the king laugh.

"Remember, you have to act like a girl at all times" he said looking down at me. "What hell no! Listen I am a male maid and I will STAY a male maid that is a lower class man" I crossed my arms spreading my legs apart slightly.

"Cross your legs, sit up straight, and lift your head up high" he asked. "And do what the king tells you to do"

I scrunched up my face while he was still staring at me and I mimicked up in a high pitched voice. "Cross your legs, sit up straight, and lift your head up high"

He looked down at me. I looked up at him, I grunted and sat up straight and crossed my legs and lifted my head up high.

"Sometimes I wanna strangle you" I spoke. "What" he said looking back down at me.

"Nothing your honor" i chuckled. "What did we say about that.. don't call me that.. peasant" he said with a huff as he looked back out the window.

"Shut your bitch ass up" I nudged his leg. "No cursing or touching me"

I flipped him off and slumped down and looked out the window. This was gonna be the worst days.. months.. or even years or my life..

I'm basically living in a fantasy world.. I wish I just went back to my normal life.. with no one singing or dancing.. or really controlling me..

I wish I stayed as a FS in the lower class man area were every I knew and loved lived there.. I hated this life..

I don't understand why anyone want to my famous or rich.. it's a boring and ugly life.. you always have to be perfect you always have to fake things you don't wanna fake..

I just wanna be the male I am living in the lower class man life..

I.. wanna quit..

The kings maid Where stories live. Discover now