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I gulped and looked up at the castle, the guard pushed me closer waiting for me to leave and go inside the castle. "The king is waiting for you, scumbag" he huffed.

I rolled my eyes and slowly walked closer and closer to the castle, I've never been into the castle, no one was aloud to me felt for the king and a few guards but a whore going into the castle?

Why would hire me, I mean I get the king is nice and all but he's not that nice. He would never hire a whore like me, he would always hire the mid class man.

The guard stayed behind me as he pushed me closer. "Oh fuck off" I spoke but quickly shut my mouth.

The guard look down at me with his fierce eyes. He pointed his sword directly at my chest ready to plunge it in, but that when I bolted and ran towards the castle.

I quickly opened the double metallic doors and fell to my knees. The doors led to a long hallway that had red carpet on the ground and statues of the sides.

I walked threw the hall looking at each statue individually. Some had crowns, some looked like nights and others were naked women.

I giggled and put my hand on ken of the nights causing the finger to break off, "shit shit shit" I grabbed the broken off finger and tried to put it back on but nothing worked.

I then ward the double doors on the other side of the hallway unlock, I quickly shoved the finger into its mouth and picked up my blanket-bag and walked towards the doors.

I opened the brownish yellowish doors leading to another hallway but this hallway had doors on the walls leading to more hallways.

I opened one that leaded to a longer hallway. I grunted and closed it and kept walking down the hallway that led to one more set of doors.

Right as I was about the doors the doors swung open starling me. "Hello mr. Davison" one of the butlers spoke up.

"Please call me george! Georgenotfound" i said putting out my hand for a nice handshake. The butler glared at me and put his index finger and then in my middle finger and basically shook it.

"Mr. Davidson the king is waiting" he said turning around and walking down the halls.

"Why is there so many statues" I asked about to touch one. "Don't touch" he spoke.

I looked at him and mimicked him. I scrunched up my face and mouthed don't touch.

He opened one more set of doors leading to a hallway and at the end of that hallway..

Was the king sitting in his golden thrown with red leather cushion. I gulped and slowly started walking towards him.

"Hello mr. Davison" he spoke standing up walking down the 2 step stairs with red carpeting. "Please call me george! Georgenotfound" I smiled.

"George...? Not found?" He questioned. "Yes georgenotfound!" I said loudly.  "Why is the not found there, your found, your here and found" he said awkwardly.

"Well.. it's just a saying.." I said fidgeting with my fingernails. "A saying? For what? Your found and healthy?" He kept asking.

"Okay okay ignore the not found just call me george" I huffed. "George? Why not Mr. Davison?" He asked "cause I wanna be called George"

"But why not mr. Davison" he asked, "I JUST WANNA BE CALLED GEORGE" I screamed. He went silent and looked at me.

I knew I had just made my first mistake..

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