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the carriage had stopped in front of a huge castle. "Another fucking castle" I said getting out looking at it. "Yup" he huffed.

He then put his arm out back into the triangle. "Do I really have to do this.." I asked looking up at him. He nodded and I grunted. "This is bullshit" I put my arm in his arm and we linked together.

We then walked up the stairs to the castle that had the huge double doors wide open. We walked in leading to a ledge that had another par of stairs leading down.

"Attention everyone!" Dream shouted at everyone down below. Everyone stopped talking and dancing and they look up at him.

"This is my lovely lady Meredith" he said with a smile. A fucking lady... I am no lady..

I smiled awkwardly looking down at everyone that was smiling, "now shall we get on dancing?" He shouted. Everyone then shouted "yes!" And the music turned back on and everyone started to dance.

Ladies had there hands on the man shoulder and the man had there hands on there hips and they swayed but and forth.

"I am no lady.." I whispered to Dream. "Yes I know" he said with a smile as he looked down at me.

I huffed and put my hands on his shoulder as he put his hands on my waist. We moved our feet back and forth and side to side.

I smiled and look up at the handsome king. He looked down at me and our eyes connected, it was a connection we both never had before..

I looked at his lips as our faces became closer. He looked away to his friend and pulled me towards them. "Well hello king clay" his friend said with a smile.

"Hello Mr. Alex" Dream smiled looking down at the man. "I told you to call me Mr. quackity for now on haven't i?" He spoke. "And I told you to call me King Dream have I?" He said with a smile.

"You got me there" they both started to chuckle. I looked up at them awkwardly. "Meredith this is my friend quackity, his real name is Alex but he goes by quackity" he said with a smile.

I giggled "quack quack"

He looked at me with hate. "Sorry.. thought that was funny.. you know like... quackity.. quack... ity.." I giggled awkwardly.

"Anyways.. she's very beautiful" he said with a smile "I'm not-" I began to spoke but was piled away by Dream.

"Of course" I huffed. He then pulled me out into the hall and into a garden room. "Listen you can't tell people your a man!" He yelled.

"Why not!" I yelled back. "It's forbidden! A man can not marry or be with another man!" He yelled back at me.

That's when I knew.. thats everything was a lie.. "I am a FS.. I SEDUCE MEN!" I screamed.

"That's different! Men thing your a female so they take advantage, there to stupid to see you have a cock!" Dream said looking down at me.

"So you're saying no man is aloud to date another man.. that's bullshit and you know damn well it is!" Tears formed in the corners of my eyes.

Why was is forbidden.. why can't a man love another man.. "no I don't think it's bullshit I think it's right! A man cannot love another man!" Dream yelled.

I looked up at him. "I quit" I said with a stutter. "You can't quit.. your under my control.. MY control!" "WELL FUCK YOUR CONTROL I QUIT" I yelled before getting smacked right across the face.

I looked at the green wall and held my red cheek. "You are my maid, you signed up for this job and now you have to deal with it.." he said looking down at me.

I pulled up my dress and ran down the hall in my heals. I ran past everyone and up the wooden stairs.

"Mr. Davison!" He yelled running after me "wait!"

I didn't want to see him or hear another word come out of his mouth, if a man loved another man then so be it.. you cannot change how they feel...

This was only my first day and I already hated it.. I hated how "nice" he was.. he wasn't nice.. he was a old rotten bitch like in those movies..

I ran out the double doors and down the red carpet stairs. "George wait!" He got so close to me before i took off my shoes and bolted it.

He stopped in his tracks and watched me run away.

"guards... get him.."

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