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Morning rose and Sapnap had took Karl and quackity back to there kingdom but right after he dropped them off he came right back to the castle and to my room. "Is everything alright?" He asked handing me a cup full of iced water.

I nodded and looked at the water before taking a sip. He patted me head and kissed my forhead. "Hey hey.. everything is alright now.. Elly is gone.." he said with a smile. "Gone.. gone?" I finally spoke in a raspy voice.

"They executed her last night.. the king was upset she did that to you.." he looked at me. I nodded and took another sip before placing the cup on the nightstand next to my bed.

"What exactly happened.." he said grabbing onto my hand gently squeezing it. "Well... I sat on the couch after I put you guys in my room.. she came up.. put a cloth over my mouth a nose.. I passed out and when I woke up I was tied up in a chair.. she started to say shitty things.. she pulled down my pants and boxers and almost touched me.." I spoke.

"Almost?" He questioned. "Well she gave it a kiss.. but before she was actually going to fully do it Dream called her upstairs.. She went and I looses the ropes and got out.. ran upstairs and there they are.. making out.." I looked down at the blanket.

Tears filled the corners of my eyes as I tried my best to not let a single drop fall into the comforters.. but it was hard watching you're friend that you fell in love with or.. a boyfriend make out with another person right in front of you.

He pulled me close leaning my head onto his chest. "Before Karl left he said give you this.." he said holding up a silver necklace with a diamond at the bottom. "He said that the diamond represents how brave and extraordinary you are" he smiled.

I smiled along with him. "Can you help me out it on..?" He nodded. It wrapped the necklace around my neck and clipped it into place. I looked at it in the mirror and smiled.

"How did you meet them?" I asked. "Well, they were walking around the street.. and they came up to me wanting to buy an apple.. they both looked at me and me and Karl made eye contact. I then looked down at quackity and we also made eye contact.. they then started to flirt, I flirted back.. I took them into the ally way and started to kiss and make out with them.." he said awkwardly.

I giggled and looked at him. "Well you're welcome for letting you guys fuck in here.. did you clean everything up?" I asked. He nodded with a smile.

Dream then came barging in. "George!" He yelled out. I looked at him and huffed. "Yes sir..?" He grabbed my chin and pulled me in for a kiss...

My eyes widened

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