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I started to wipe down all the tables until the butler showed up behind me with a green corset and a white long vintage dress.

"The king ordered you to put these on, you guys will be going to a ball" he said tossing the outfit to me.

I caught it and looked at him. "This is my first day I'm not going to a fucking ball, first off all were not in the fucking 1960's and second of all why would a maid go to a hall, that makes no sense!" I yelled.

"Why wouldn't a maid go to the ball?" King Dream spoke out behind me. I jumped and turned around and look up at him. "Your gonna give me a heart attack if you keep doing that"

"Eh, I wouldn't really care, go into that room with the blue doors and give the ladies the outfit" he said walking away.

I huffed and walked towards the blue double doors, right when I walked in front of it the doors opened and 2 ladies grabbed both of my arms and pulled me in.

"What the fuck" I said looking at them, they grabbed the outfit out of my hand and looked at it. "Undress yourself please" they asked.

"Ew no not in front of you guys-" o then heard a ripping down come from my shirt that one of the 6 ladies starting to rip off. "Hey!" I yelled.

They tore off the maid outfit leaving me in only boxers. They put a c36 cup bra on me and stuff it with tissue and cloth. "Why the hell am I wearing a bra" I said looking at it.

They then all started to sing.

The Haus of Holbein
Hans Holbein goes around the world
Painting all of the beautiful girls
From Spain
To France
And Germany

"Why are you guys signing" I asked looking at them, trumpets and violins started to play. "Is this an everyday thing"

The king chooses one
But which one will it be?

The girls then put the king white dress over me and puts the green corset over my stomach and waist, "why do we need a corset" I asked.

You bring the corsets
We'll bring the cinches
No one wants a waist over nine inches

As they all said the last line they pulled tightly on the strings making the corset tighter and tighter around my waist. "Jeezes I can't breath!" I yelled.

So what, the makeup contains lead poison?
At least your complexion will bring all the boys in
Ignore the fear and you'll be fine
We'll turn this vier into a nine

They all then started to put makeup and lipstick on me, even started to touch up my hair and out long curly Extensions in my hair. "Hey take those out!"

After they were down they turned me around to face myself into he mirror, but o did not look like myself... I looked like one of those girls in the modern movies.

"I look like a fucking girl" I said in a low voice. "Good!" All the girls yelled out at the same time. "Now you must hold these book over your head!"

They put 3 book on top of my head. "Now walk" they demanded. Right as I took one step the books fell to the ground. They all rushed to put the book back on my head.

"Again!" They yelled

This went on for about 30 minutes until I could walk around the entire room without making the book fall off my head.

They then put high heels on me to make me look taller. "Perfect!" The hall stood in a like in front of me.

"I can't breath" I spoke with a cough. Dream then walked in. "Alright! Women out!" He yelled walking closer to me.

I didn't know if I should stay or leave, I was practically dressed like a women, they out face boobs on me, makeup and hair extensions.

He looked at my body and twirled me around. "Good body structure, good face.. lips.. perfect.. maybe except for the ears.." he said looking directly into my eyes.

"My ears are perfect!" I yelled. He chuckled and put his arm up into a triangle. His hand was in his hip, I looked at him with disgust. I didn't want to touch him.

I then put my arm threw his arm and our arms linked together perfectly.. he smelt like cologne.. not any cologne.. but actually nice smelling cologne...

For a king he was pretty hot, not like one of those old musty kings.. he was a.. how should I say this... a gen z king..

A perfect.. handsome.. king.. that I would fuck for free.

The kings maid Where stories live. Discover now