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I panted. Sweat rolled down my forehead as I turned to look at Dream getting dressed. He chuckled and kissed my cheek. "7 hours baby good job" he smiled. "Proud of you" I smiled and looked up at the ceiling.

He grabbed a blue cloth and wiped up all the cum off of me. He picked me up and carried me up the stairs. "Guards close your eyes" he spoke out since I was still naked. 

He carried me into the master bathroom and placed me down on the sink. After he washed me and everything he dressed me in a white gown and kisses my head. "I love you.." he spoke.

I looked up at him. My hearted wanted.. he finally said it.. and he said it truthfully.. "I love you too" I spoke back. He brought me in for a light warming kiss. A tall figure then appeared behind him.

"7 hours" he spoke out. Dream quickly turned around and looked at him. "What" Sapnap spoke out as he chuckled. I hid my face in Dream shoulder as he brought me back to my room. Sapnap followed and looked around.

"Ropes?" He asked. He then picked up a vibrator. "Is this mine?" He asked once more. "I found it in the drawer" Dream spoke. "you left it in here so I washed it and put it in the drawer along with your guys nasty ass boxers" I said in a low raspy voice.

"That sounded like it hurt" he looked at me. I rubbed my neck and looked at him. "Did you like throat fuck him" he looked at Dream. "It's none of you're business" Dream spoke placing me down on the couch.

He pulled off the sheets and blanket off the bed and placed them aside. Sapnap sat down right next to me and patted my back. "How was it" he asked. I giggled and leaned my head in his chest. "Good" I smiled.

He kissed my forehead and held me close. "Hey! The hell man get away from him" Dream said staring at Sapnap. " jealous much?" Sapnap chuckled.

"Get out.. out of this room and out of this castle.." Sapnap sighed and began to stand up. I grabbed onto his shirt and held onto him. "No he can stay.." I cleared my throat.

Sapnap looked at Dream and Dream looked at Sapnap. I closed my eyes and that's when Sapnap flipped Dream off and sat back down. "Excuse me?" Dream said. Sapnap stuck his tongue out of him. Dream gasped.

"Shut up" Sapnap spoke running the back of my said. Dream crossed his arms and looked at me. I was passed out in sapnaps arms. Dream smiled and picked me up from his arms and placed me down on the new sheeted bed.

"Take care of him" Sapnap yelled out walking up the stairs.

"I will.. I will take care of my little bean.."

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