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After a couple months of working there i got tired and pissed off at elly... fucking elly.. "work scum" elly giggled kicking me in the side as she stood there looking up at me.

"Oh fuck off, your a maid to you should be working as well elly" I scoffed. "Today is my free day!" She said with a smile.

A free day? I've never gotten free days.. "why the fuck do you get free days and I don't!" I yelled "because your a mistake and I'm not!" She said proudly.

"Yeah sure.. your the mistake here.. for fuck sake your name is spelled like e-l-l-y" I looked over at her as I stopped sweeping. "Thats how normal people spell it"

"No normal and not mistakes spell it like e-l-l-i-e your name is pronounced ell-uah" I chuckled. "Oh fuck off at least I'm not names George.. the whitest name ever.."

"I'm British.. fucking dumb ass.. and it's not.. fucking cole or lane is" I continued to sweep again. "Hello ladies" Dream said walking up behind her. "Well hello handsome" she giggled.

I ignored the stupidity and started to broom away from the situation. Before I could he slapped my ass making me turn around and face him. "I am a fucking male, I thought you didn't like males" I looked at him in disbelief.

"Oops, my bad, now on you go, clean" he said with a smile. Elly looked over at me with a grunge. I looked at elly and smirked then looked at Dream. "Well.. I was thinking him I could have a free day since elly is having a free day" I said with a smile.

"And why do you think you deserve it" he asked. "Heh elly the first time I got put in the cellar me and-" I began to say but was cut off "alright alright, you get to have a free day" he said with a huff.

"Thank you!" I threw elly the broom and skipped off into my room. She looked at me and growled.

I could tell that Dream didn't want her knowing what happened in the cellar that night..

As our lips touched..

His tongue tasting every bit of my mouth.

His hand trailing up my thigh up to my ass and squeezed.

He didn't want her to know that he was..

Secretly gay..

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