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"Dream" I pushed him off and looked Up at him. He looked down at me and our eyes connected. "George I don't knew why but your..different.." he said grabbing both of my hands and holding them.

His hands were soft and warm.. "Dream..didn't you..just yell at me for..faking having sex with a man..?" I spoke. "That was fake?" He asked. I giggled and nodded. "Oh" he cleared his throat.

"Well.. I..I don't know anymore.. all my life I've been taught it was a sin.. it's just.. you feel different.. gogy.." he said with a smile.

I got on my tippy toes and wrapped my arms around neck letting them fall on his shoulders. He wrapped his hands around my waist and started to move his feet side to side.

I smiled and moved my feet along with him as if we were dancing. We moved our feet back and forth and side to side. He twirled me around and leaned my back back onto arm and got up real close to my face.

I giggled slightly as he pressed his lips up against my lushes lips. "Well.. all that for a man that said it was weird" I giggled. "Well it just feels weird with girls.. like really weird.. I don't feel the same why like I did with you"

"What do you mean.. 'did'" I asked.. "well.." he said sitting me down on the bed as he sits down next to me. He puts his hand on my thigh. "The night.. in the cellar.." he trailed his hand up my thigh.

I got this tingly feeling rush up my spine.. "the night I kissed you with no mercy.. as I tasted you.." he spoke. "It all felt.. right? And not weird like with.. elly.."

I huffed and crosses mr arms "fucking elly" He said with a chuckle. I giggled. "I want to.. have that again George.." he asked looking down at me.

"Like.. making out..?"

He then pushed my back down on the bed and hit over the top of me. I gasped as he pressed his lips against mine once more.. but this time they werent gonna leave until they absolutely had to..

He hand trailed up my skirt as he tasted every bit of my mouth. I let out a sexual gasp as I cupped his face. I lifted my legs up and wrapped the around his waist. His hand trailed up my skirt and to my ass were he squeezed.

I groaned as he lifted me up and carried me to the wall were he pushed my back up against it. As he kept sloppy making out he slowly slid his 2 fingered in my boxers and pulled them down slightly.

He broke away from my mouth and kissed my jaw and down to my neck marking whats his.

He unbuckles his belt and slowly pulled down his dark blue jeans all the way to his ankles. "Dream.." I groaned as he pulled down his black boxers letting his cock spring up and hit my entrance.

I could already feel it was huge.. I gulped and prepared myself. But with no prep he pushes the top half into my and i let out a loud moan.

I sighed my nails into his shoulder as he pushed it deeper into me. "O-oh f-fuck!" I stuttered trying to hold back my moans.

He kept pushing it into me leaving me thinking how long this cock is. "H-how b-big it is fuckk" I moaned. "12 inches" he spoke as he shoved the rest into me.

My legs were already shaking by his length. He put me down and turned me around to face the wall. He then thrust his cock into me once more making my head flung back.

He gripped into my waist and pulled it almost completely out before smashing back into me. "F-fuck!" I moaned out.

His left hand trailed off my waist and to my throbbing twitching 7 inch cock. I gulped as he wrapped his hand around my cock and started to stroke my length as he smashed into me once more.

I looked down at his hand and moaned as my toes pointed inwards and my knees Bent in and my right hand on top of his hand that was jerking me off.

I felt so close to my point as he smashed into my prostate. I moaned out louder and precum started to leak out. "Oh my fucking god" I Stuttered as my eyes rolled to the back of my head.

I then felt warm liquid shoot into me at the same time as I came out into the wall and floor. "F..fuck.." I huffed.

He chuckled and pulled out letting me fall to my knees. I sat there on my knees panting.

"What..the fuck did I just see.." elly said appearing in the door way.


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