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As it was my free day I left the castle to go roam around my home streets. I skipped down the lower class men streets throwing bread and some food coins to the poor. I then finally go up to nick.

"Hello nick!" I said with a smile. "Well hello sir.. I heard you work at the castle now" he spoke handing a lovely couple a bag of apples.

"Yea I do, and it's fucking shit.. if I could quick i would" Sapnap chuckled "why whats so wrong about working for the king. "Elly is there! He hired him and now she's my partner" I huffed.

"Elly Elly?" He asked "yes Elly Elly" "like the ginger.. with the crooked teeth and shit?" "YES ELLY ELLY" "like the Elly Elly that dresses like a complete faggot" he asked looking down at me. "First of all you can not say that word, you are not part of the lgbtq community"

"Sorry sorry my bad" he regretted it immediately after. "Your fine, but yes the faggot Elly" I slumped down on the wooden stool next to nick. "Damn.. I feel bad for you" he said putting 3 red apples and 2 pears into a plastic bag and handing them to a lovely lady.

"She thinks that she's everything when she's not!" I yelled "you know she's just trying to get on your nerves so your burst out into flames and fucking do something back that's I'll get you killed george.." he spoke looking down at me.

"I know I know.. she's just so annoying! And I hate it!" I rubbed my face. 2 guards then showed up in front of the fruit stand were me and Sapnap were standing at.. "George, king wants you to come home in 5" they both spoke.

"First it's not my FUCKING home-" I then got stopped but one of the guards holding up a silver shiny sword up to my neck. "But yes I will be gladly go 'home'" I said with a awkward smile.

They then put the sword down and marched away. "Fucking assholes" I said standing up. Sapnap chuckled "you know..since its my off day.. you should come to the castle with me" I said with a smile.

"Hell no.. helllllll to the no" he chuckled looking down at me, I looked up at him with puppy eyes. "No! I'm not going to the fucking castle when I work.. at a fruit stand!" He yelled. I got on my knees and looked up at him as my lips started to quiver. He looked down at me and rubbed his face looking up. He then looked back down at me.

"Fine" he huffed with a smile. "YES!" I got up and grabbed his arm and pulled him away from the fruit stand and threw the streets. He laughed and let me pull him.

Little did he know..

It was all apart of my plan to..

Make the king jealous..

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