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We had our arms linked as we walked threw the crowd of people. I smirked and pulled my arm away and run threw the crowd. "George!" He yelled out to me running away. He pushed people aside while I slipped threw the cracks of people.

He ran after me and when he got to close to me.. a crown of people dances and laughed and crowed back together right behind me leaving Dream behind the crowd "GEORGE GET BACK HERE" he screams. I giggled and ran.

I ran all the way down the streets to sapnaps house. "SAPNAP!" I screamed. He groaned and rubbed his eyes as if he just wook up, "what.." he said in a deep sleepy voice. "First of all, why the hell aren't you awake I'm about to be crowned and SECOND of all, I need ti borrow your clothes I said walking over to a corner in the room and looked threw the pile of clothes.

I then got no response. "SAPNAP WAKE UP" I screamed and looked at him. He pouted and looked at me. I grabbed a pair of his sweatpants and tossed them onto the bed. I then quickly took off my pink skirt and looked at Sapnap. "Can you be polite and look away" I asked. He chuckled and looked up at the ceiling.

I quickly put on the black sweatpants and then tied it tightly around my waist. I then grabbed a white hoodie and put it on over my white cropped shirt. I looked in the mirror and messed up my hair. I then walked over to the old rust sink and splashed my face with water to get all the makeup off. I wiped the water away and smiled.

"Thanks!" I smiled walking out of the house. "Hey! My clothes!" He sat up and watched me leave. I ran back threw the streets to the crowd just to see Dream on the stage making an announcement. "George! Can you come up here to be crowned?" He said nervously threw the mic looking threw the crowd.

I smirked and walked over to the stage and walked up the stairs. Everyone gasped and looked at me. Dream looked at me as well. I walked over to him and grabbed the mic. "Hello everyone! I think it's overrated to dress all nice to be crowned, that's Shit dumb as hell, sooo" everyone was silent as I starred off into the crowed.

A guy then walked over to me with a small purple velvet pillow with the queen crown on it. "I looked at it and smiled. Dream then walked over to picked up the crowned being ready to place it on my head.

I took the crown out of his hands and looked up at him. "Don't touch my crown.. filthy ass.." I then placed it on my head and everyone clapped and cheered. "Oh also everyone gets $100 dollars!" I spoke in the microphone. People screamed and cried, especially the lower class man. "All except for the higher class man, I hate you" I smiled dropped the mic.

Of course the huger class man booed and pouted. I looked up at Dream and he looked down at me. "This was your plan" he asked with a chuckle. I nodded. He grabbed my hand and swung be around  and leaned me over his arm and leg. He then went in and kissed my lips so softly.

I cupped his face and kissed him back..

"I love you king Dream.." I spoke.

"I love you queen George.. queen Georgenotfound" he smiled. I smiled along with him and went back in to kiss him.

End of book.

I hope you guys liked that story! It was really fun to make this story so I hope you liked it and went a checked out my newest story called enimes to lovers!

Love you!

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