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The crying slowly stopped and my sniffles fainted. I let go if my grip that was on his white t-shirt and pulled off. His t shirt was covered in tears. "Sorry" I spoke in a raspy voice.

"Your fine" he smiled slightly. I looked up at him then back away to the corner. "Why do huh think being gay is.. gross or.. a sin.." I asked.

"It's.. weird.. a guy can never love a guy.. why would a guy love dick when he could have Pussy and boobs" he spoke. "Because some people don't like girls..  women can like women.. guys can like guys and you can not change that!" I yelled

"You can't change what I believe then.." Dream said in a slow low voice. "Kiss me" I spoke. "What" "I said kiss me! I wanna show you that sometimes it feels good to.. be with another man" i spoke.

"Ew no" he backed up. "Dream just give me a little peck, you dressed me up as a girl and trapped me down here with snakes and started slurring and being fucking homophobic, I wanna show you that it's okay to kiss another man, I don't like you I just wanna show you"

"I'm not doing that shit that fucking disgusting-" he then was cut off by a kiss.. my kiss. His eyes widened and looking at me.

I pulled off and looked at him. He grabbed my face and pulled me back in for another kiss. I was surprised but.. thankfull..

Kissing the king was something big... he never had kissed anyone and being his first one.. and being a guy was powerful..

But.. He took it a little to far. He put his left hand in my thigh and slipped his tongue into my mouth. I opened back up my eyes and looked at his.

This is coming from the person that said being gay was gross. I cupped just face and kissies back slowly leaning back until my back was on the ground and Dream was over top of me.

His hand slowly trailed up my thigh up my skirt. I slowly closed my eyes again but then they shut open once he gripped onto my ass.

I pushed him off and looked at him. He got up and looked at me. He took his hand off and got up and ran out of the cellar leaving the gate door wide open

I watched him run and I leaned my head back on the hard grey concrete. I giggled slightly and moved my thumb over to my lip and slowly dragged it down.

I bit my bottom lip and sat up.

"silly king.."

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