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Y'all know what my content it about, so I am not in charge for your trigger warning..

My head spinned and pounded. "Fuck.." I rubbed my eyes just to see darkness.. I coughed and sniffled as I smelt this funky disgusting smell.

A bright light then flashed directly towards my face. I flinched and squinted my eyes trying to adjust to the brightness. Elly was sitting in a chair across the table that was placed I front of me.

She leaned over the table and looked at me. My eyes finally adjusted to the light and I opened my eyes to face her. She was angry.. veins popped out of her neck. "What do you want" I spoke out.

"You fucking bastard stole the king from me you.. faggot.." she finally spoke. "You can't say that.." "I can say whatever the FUCK I WANT!" She slammed her fist down on the table as she stood up. "Fucking retared.."

"Again.. can't say that.." I said in a soft tone looking at her. "This is a free country.. I can say what I want.." she smiled "okay kArEn" I chuckled.

I then was greeted by a smack on the face. "You took the king away from me.. I almost got executed.." she spoke slowly walking around the table to me. She turned the chair I was in ti face her.

I looked up at her. "Maybe.. if I do this.." she said moving her right hand over my crotch "you won't be such a fag anymore.. and you can learn that men and men can't be together" she smiled gripping on to my crotch.

My eyes shot open as I tried moving my legs to kick her but couldn't, my arms and legs were tied up to the chair. "Your a fucking prick..." I spoke looking up at her.

She smiled grabbing into my waist band and quickly pulling off my white shorts. "DREAM!" I screamed. She then ripped off a piece of grey duck tape and placed it over my mouth shutting my mouth.

I looked at her. She slowly got down onto her knees looking up at me. I looked away at the wall. She then pulled off my grey boxers revealing my floppy soft cock

"ELLY!" Dream called out. Elly paused and stood up. She looked at me and walked away up the stairs closing the door behind her.

I looked around in the dark room that had only a small lamp. I then remembered how to get out of some from the ropes. I use to go to Boy Scout camp.

I quickly moved my wrist together fast loosening the ropes around my wrist and arms. One the ropes got loose enough I quickly got my wrist out and ripped the tape off my mouth.

"Ow... fuck.." I then untied the ropes around my ankles and pulled up my boxers and pants up quickly. I looked around the room and inside the drawers for some weapons or something I could use to defend myself.

I then opened one wooden drawer revealing a revolver and some bullets. I grabbed it and look in the barrel checking if there's bullets. All the slots had a bullet in it.

I smiled and put it in my pocket walking upstairs. I kicked down the door looking around until I saw elly talking with Dream. I took a deep breath and looked at both of them.

Elly smirked and got on her tippy toes kissing Dream in the lips. My lips quivered.

"You fucking asshole.."

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