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I wrote this IN IN PERSON class for y'all's dirty ass

"Get you're fucking hands off of me!" I swung at the air hoping to hit him. I was blindfold so I didn't know were he was. "You better hope to god I don't catch your ass!" I yelled. He then grabbed a grip of my hair and tossed me down on the bed. I screamed but then it sooner turned into a muffle while I felt a medium size ball be shoved in my mouth.

I tried talking but all I did was mumble. I then found out he had shoved a ball gag into my mouth. I rolled my eyes under breath the blind fold and laid my head on the soft comforters.

I was confused for a second. I didn't hear anything, I didn't see anything.. nothing was happening. I gulped in fear then all of a sudden my shorts ripped off and down my legs makes the back of the button scratch me. I muffled out. It didn't hurt that bad but, I wanted to be able to talk or at least to see.

He undid the blind fold so I could see again, everything was blurry for a couple seconds till I got use to the light. I looked at my wrist that were already tied up to the bed. I didn't even feel or remember him doing that.. I was surprised.

He took out his phone and bent down close to my face. He held the phone out right in front of us. "Say cheeeese!" He smiles. I looked at the camera but before he took the photo he grabbed onto my waist with his other hand and shoved his cock half way into me making my eyes roll back and a loud muffled moan.

He took a photo and stood up. He then started to record. He gave my ass a gentle slap before slamming down into me pulling my hair back with his free hand. Tears rolled down my face. Pain and pleasure mixed together. I didn't know if I liked it or didn't like it. I didn't know if it hurt or felt good.

He unbuckled the ball gag that was buckled in the back letting it fall in front of me. Salvia hung from my mouth to the medium red ball in front of me. He thrusted himself into me making each thrust hit my most sensitive spot of them all.

"F-fuck!" I moaned out due to the pleasure. But I also gripped into the sheets in pain. I didn't know witch one to think, but I didn't want to think at the moment, I wanted to feel him in me making me feel good.

And so after a while it felt like heaven. Smashing into me, rearranging my guts for his big long cock to fit in me was amazing. No idea how it fit in me but it did. It fit nice and tight.

Hours and hours of just complete pleasure he finally pulled out and jerked over top of me. I panted and looked up at the ceiling and quickly shut my eyes for him to let loose all over me. It fell on my face and chest and even torso. Strong cum game is you ask me.

He chuckled looking down at the master piece he had just made better he then pulled out his phone ones more and took a picture of me.

I looked at the camera and frowned. He gave me a kiss on the forehead before picking me up and walking me to the bathroom.

"I love you.." the words slipped out of my mouth like I had no clue on what I was saying.

"I love you to.." he spoke back to me with a warm smile.

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