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Being the first person let along the first male to kiss the virgin king was epic, but it did come with a tone of perks.

Like more jobs I had to do around the castle just so people wouldn't suspect anything, he was meaner but was nice to me when we were just by ourself, he was basically a two face cock sucking asshole.

"George I need you to clean out my room" Dream yelled to me from a different room. I grunted and dragged my self along the brown wooden tile floors all the way to the kings massive room. He was waiting there on the bed with a.. girl?

I looked at them and set my brown down to lean against the wall. "Hello George, this is elly, your partner" Dream spoke with a smile.

Fucking elly..

Elly was the fancy mid class men girl that alway got her way, she was also a FS so she would get every single guy while I got very little guys that were drunk and didn't know the difference between a girl and a guy.

She alway managed to steal hundreds of dollars away from me each week. She smirked and did her little evil wave like she always does.

"Fantastic.." I grunted. "Now run along you two, go clean" Dream said looking down at elly. Elly gave Dream a peck on the cheek before exiting the room.

I looked at Dream then quickly sped walked out of the room.

The entire day was just elly and Dream flirty while I did all the work. Giggling and laughing came out of dreamed room as I ripped down the table.

I mimicked them "haha Dream your so funny" I spoke in a super high pitched voice. "Fucking pick me girl.." I spoke under my breath.


"Oh my god Dream stop really!" The girl giggled as she laid on the bed that was covered in white silk sheets.

I chuckled and placed my golden watch on the counter and sat down on the bed with her. "Hey hey I'm not kidding, your really adorable for a mid class men" o said with a smirk.

"Well people don't say that I should be rich for nothing, I mean look at me I'm amazing" she giggled as she sat up looking into my majestic green eyes.

I looked back into her dark lushes brown eyes. "Have you ever had your first kiss before..?" Her hand trailed up my Cotten suit and to my blue tie as she pulled me closer to her face by the tie.

"I have not" I said with a smile as I slowly inches closer and closer to her face. "Well if you don't mind.. if I could be your first.." she spoke.

Everything went silent as they just sat there getting closer and closer, the girl the leaned in and kissed me right on the lips. I put my hand on her thigh and let her kiss me.

for me if felt amazing.. but it.. felt weird compared to George.. we were both doing work.. I didn't know how to react to her.. it all felt.. I guess.. gross?

George would actually allow me to slip my tongue into his mouth and explore while elly aloud me to slip my tongue into her mouth only for a few seconds before hitting down slightly making me remove my tongue.

She got over the top of me and slowly removed the fabric off my shoulders as she kissed my cheek bone.

"Quick huh?" I said with a chuckle as she completely removed my top half of the tuxedo. She giggled and started to remove her maid outfit first by slowly lifting the skirt that was connecting to the shirt up and over her head.

I looked at her pale skinny body and slightly bit my body them. But again.. it felt weird.. I slowly got hard on her but while I immediately got hard on George..

she grabbed my hand and place it right on top of her left bra covering her b34 cup boob.

She but her bottom lip as She slowly moved her own hand to the back of her bra STAP to un button it.

Right when she unbuttoned it she pulled her bra off and tossed it onto the ground along with her others clothes. I looked at her chest and admired her.

Never thought boobs could be that small. (No offense to anyone that has that side of bra hall are amazing)


I heard they went silent and I pressed my ear up against the door to listen. I was so intrigued I had to see what was going on.

I slowly opened the door to revel the girl slipping Dreams soft floppy cock into her as she let out a moan.

My eyes widened and looked at them.. my breath picked up, dreadfulness filled my body, heart broken I quickly burst out into tears.

Me and dream then maid eye contact. He quickly tossed the girl off the bed making her land on the ground next to the pile of her clothes.

I slammed the door and they both jumped and looked at it.

I ran, ran away down the stairs and to my only rusted room and slammed the door. I fell to my knees and cried.

Being the first kiss of a king was amazing.. but having no one know was hurtful..

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